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Have a great bank holiday, back with you from Tuesday!
In My Newsfeed
Great routine (!) https://www.facebook.com/sarah.meeds.9/posts/10209007707891779
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Any volunteers fancy trying this in PiYo later?
Zumba Fitness
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To everyone taking part in the London Marathon tomorrow ... Good luck
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Only way is Pertenhall .. REEM BABE 😆
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And you HAVE all improved so much, keep up the hard work x
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I know you all secretly feel the same
Well done to my Keysoe PiYo junkies, 1st to try out the new routine, gone up a notch I'd say - lower body track is insane...You did good, so proud!! xx 😉
Lovely full Zumba classes again this week, let's make it a hat trick tomorrow! Loving the enthusiasm for the new routine, good job everyone x
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Are you ready for your PiYo class today?
Typical Girl