Wong’s F&B Limited (WFBL) is a subsidiary of Wong’s International Holdings Limited (WIHL) that is engaged in a trading and distribution of food and beverage from global countries into Hong Kong and China.
WFBL is situated in a Kwun Tong office, Kowloon East and has a general store in
Kwai Chung, Kowloon and operates a major logistics team that transports goods between Hong Kong and China.
A subsidiary of WFBL, Tung Tak 99 Limited. “Tung Tak” is a historical name which developed by the late Mr. Wong Wha San, the founder of WIHL. It is worth to note that Wong’s Family (private) operated the Tung Tak grocery store on Chatham Road, Kowloon in the late 50’s and this business lasted till 1963.
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facebook.com呢個星期六 日响Fashion Walk見啦... 我地响table 5 呀....
好多fans都同小編投訴: 點解香港區得咁少地方可以買到luscombe既飲品... 嗱... 今次你地要俾十個like我丫... 因為我地响黎緊12月既9, 10, 16, 17參加左 @Fashion Walk x Foodie Holiday Market 快D過來支持下!!! 12月9, 10: Table #5 12月16, 17: Table #9
嘩嘩嘩... 手快有, 手慢冇...
嘩嘩嘩…… 我地Luscombe drinks 新裝上場 而家就响 東港城 East Point City 先睹為快…… 粉絲們,你地一定唔好錯過呢個機會?!…… #bduck #bduck開心夏令營 #東港城 #將軍澳 活動時間:2017/6/1 - 2017/6/25 *** 期間限定優惠 大家千其唔好錯過,手快有 手慢冇!
新年送禮 至佳選擇! 葉宗記 #wfb_luscombehk #wfb #distributor #hkfood #luscombe #organicdrinks #organic #natural #uk #devon #england #fruity #juice #bubbly #drinks #softdrinks #fruitjuice #noaddedsugar #nopreservatives #delicious #nonalcoholic #yata #一田 #citysuperhk #gift #chinesenewyear #apples #elderflowers #ipchungkee #葉宗記