A specially curated beachside gathering fusing internationally renowned DJs and live performances with a very special art exhibition!
THE original Family Member's Club has made it's way to Hong Kong. Super cool interiors, delicious family food and the best activities for young and old!
New American cuisine at Hotshot: It is a surf-meets-skate beach restaurant that pays tribute to the Californian lifestyle of the 1960s.
5000呎的小朋友天堂. 有各類課程為孩子發掘才能及興趣.得獎導師,高質教材,活動教學,激發創意!
Shoku RP is home to Hong Kong's largest authentic Binchotan charcoal grill. Experience the aroma of Japan's unique creation. @shokuhongkong
Camping HK 香港露營用品
Amalfitana is an Artisan Pizza Bar drawing its inspiration from the Amalfi Coast.
Building sandcastles to learn the lessons of sand.
本產品均是來自「香港水耕種植集團」 務求令每位顧客食得放心。 地點︰屯門藍地青山公路藍地段藍地菜站(輕鐵站旁) 歡迎親臨 (逢星期日 9:00A.M. – 1:00P.M) 或網上查詢訂購。查詢電話︰97276384
Interactive Consumer Engagement - Twitter/Youtube @asiadigitalmojo
薄扶林村是港島歷史最悠久的鄉村之一 (Pokfulam Village is one of The Last Village on Hong Kong Island)
為您搜羅最新日本人氣品牌服飾.定期為你示範Mix & Match 配搭,令你買得開心!!請立即讚好l
泳會簡介: 游泳館-訓練中心,簡稱(游泳館),創立於2001年,是香港業餘游泳總會屬下之註冊泳會(競賽泳會),教練團隊均是香港游泳教練會會員,多位資深教練被評級為專業會員資格!
提供優質寵物美容及免費接送服務~~ 寵物用品及狗糧免費送貨上門
Fleur de Peau is a Hong Kong based online store introducing organic and crafted products to the clients who favours quality skincare.
愉景新城 – 購物商場位於荃灣市中心的愉景新城 – 購物商場共佔3層,樓面總面積達50萬平方呎,是全港最大商場之一。www.discoverypark.com.hk