Second Draft is a friendly new space in Tai Hang for the community to congregate, socialize or simply spend their day.
One-on-one private Pilates lessons on the Reformer or the Mat+Reformer combined. STOTT Pilates Certified Instructor. Convenient location within walking distance from Causeway Bay and Tin Hau MTR.
Bliss perfect happiness; great joy 極樂, 至喜; 幸福 Hive a beehive; a shelter constructed for housing a colony of honeybees 蜂巢
Western Comfort Food
Schontex Golf is an online golfwear shop. We design, make and sell top quality performace golf clothing.
- Traditional Canadian Food - Over 30 years experience - Over 100 seats
Bernard Lambert Gardens, Rooftops, Services
辦公時間: 10:00a.m. - 1:30p.m. 2:45p.m. - 7:00p.m (星期一至星期五) 10:00a.m. - 1:30p.m. (星期六)
專業結婚蛋糕設計, Cupcake設計, 結婚回禮曲奇設計。 專業手工糖藝教授, 花瓣造型, 人型及動物造型。
所有貨品全部均由日本、美國或加拿大直接入口 歡迎inbox 或whatsapp 5199-1388 查詢/下單
新一代觀光悠閒有機農莊體驗 放假悠閒好去處 有得玩,又有教育意義 百分百真心為港人種植 快啲黎啦!
活動:第二屆《我要做Pet模》總決賽 日期:2015年6月21日(星期日) 時間:中午12時至下午5時 地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心(E-Max中庭,G/F)