-----Coming soon in Early 2015!-----
The Boathouse overlooking Stanley Bay is one of seafront spot's most popular dining landmarks.
愉景新城 – 購物商場位於荃灣市中心的愉景新城 – 購物商場共佔3層,樓面總面積達50萬平方呎,是全港最大商場之一。www.discoverypark.com.hk
本店為各車主提供車輛檢驗 維修 保養服務(更換油類產品 制動系統 零件安裝),並協助訂購各類正廠及跑車改裝零件 致力提供優質及專業之服務
薄扶林村是港島歷史最悠久的鄉村之一 (Pokfulam Village is one of The Last Village on Hong Kong Island)
Established by Lady May in 1916, The Helena May is a heritage building providing the amenities of a club and conduct various activities to promoting the welfare of women and girls in Hong Kong.