Posthuman Aesthetics is a research project at Aarhus University on the posthuman in art and literature. Artificial or cloned organs, babies with multiple parents, expansion of longevity, brain-controlled remote action compensating paralysis: Biotechnology, backed up by information science, increasingly challenges what it means to be human. Evaluating the ethical perspectives, public debates still tend to stick to a static image of the human body, seeing the goal of biotechnological interventions as only alleviating deficiencies in relation to human normality. But what if these interventions are becoming so comprehensive that our notion of a shared human identity is radically transgressed – that we become posthuman?
Posthuman Aesthetics is a research project at Aarhus University made possible by a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The project is led by Professor Jacob Wamberg and Associate Professor Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and runs for three years from September 2014 to August 2017.
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