The Ottawa Freedom Center: "Many come in broken, but leave free and ready to face the world!.." The Centre has been operational for five years and is dedicated to provide the following services:
1. To provide seminars and individual Stress Management; support to individuals dealing with: the desire to stop smoking, coping with G.L.B.T.Q coming out, coping with the legal system, life below the poverty line, employement and housing issues.
2. To provide seminars and individual support to seniors in retirement and long term care along with training to those who manage and operate those care centers.
3. There is an enormous lack of programs for Female to Male transgender individuals in Canada therefore OFC has launched one of only fifteen such programs in Canada; there are no such programs in Eastern Ontario. Additional support with be provided to the transgender community at large, coordinating all resources, referrals, medical support information and integration into the workplace at the Centre's office and in its outreach programs.
6. To provide a Life Coaching program which has an unheard of endless re-enter option and a new Life Coach training process toward national certification standards.
7. To provide individual and family therapy on a sliding fee scale ($25 - $90) to individuals, in all communities, including the G.L.B.T.Q. community, and those who care about them,
8. To provide face to face support and access to programs, as well as programs that are " after business " hours, in order to assist those in the city and beyond.
At this time all of the below designated individuals are participating in the development of the Center without pay.
At this time the Executive Director is Joanne Law, an internationally recognized transgender activist and G.B.L.T.Q. human rights issues; Past Chair of the City of Ottawa’s Pride Organization and recently this year the only Canadian transgender presenter at the United Nation on G.L.B.T.Q. issues.
At this time OFC has a fully functional Board of Directors in compliance with the requirements of the OCA and standards for Not for Profit corporations. OFC is involved in the development of sponsors to financially support the work of the Centre.
At this time OFC’s Board of Directors, the senior executive officers, is working with political leaders and representatives at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal level.
Yours Truly
Joanne Penny Law
613 422 2294
1 888 667 8411
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THURSDAY NIGHT is DROP-IN Night at the Ottawa Freedom Centre! Come in from 7-10pm for coffee and snacks catered by Bobby's Place. This drop-in is FREE and we look forward to seeing you there! 265 Montreal Road
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Yes this year again, Ottawa freedom Centre is helping with YOUR taxes! 9am to 9pm 7 days a week, call or text Ms Rollin at 613 203 2274! Best rates for OW, and ODSP !
Tom Deafy and the horror of the residential school he lived through! - Ottawa Morning Talk...
Ottawa Freedom Center's cover photo
Ottawa freedom Centre February 2016 Spagetti Dinner Fundraiser
Photos from Ottawa Freedom Center's post
Special thanks to Scotiabank Vanier! The staff raised a generous donation of $1000.00!
Photos from Ottawa Freedom Center's post
February Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser! - 150 people at the Vanier Legion, Over $2500.00 raised, special thanks to Scotiabank Vanier -$1000.00 donation, Fontaine and associates - $500.00, Rock and Roll Eagles -$100.00, ALL food and extras donated by the community ! Many thanks! Will be putting full donation list up shortly! Thank you Vanier Legion!
February 2016 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Best ever YET! raised OVER $2500.00 and still counting! 150 people showed!
TODAY IS THE DAY! Our Spaghetti Fundraiser is TONIGHT from 5-9pm. Tickets can still be purchased for $8 at the door at the Vanier Legion. We have raffle and 50/50 tickets, a DJ and lightshow and MORE! Hope to see everybody there tonight!
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We have a NEW Sex Worker Drop-In Program on Mondays! Come visit with Camila from 10:30am-1:00pm for coffee and snacks, and a kind ear!
Spaghetti dinner for the Freedom Centre this Saturday
