Salus provides permanent homes of healing, health, and hope for men and women living with serious mental illness.
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#DYK that Salus staff be will speaking at the Ottawa Region Landlords Association dinner September 13th? #DVQ Salus présentera au souper de l'Association de Proprietaries d'Ottawa le 13 Septembre?
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Acceptance allows to focus on adapting to & improving a situation. L'acceptation, un pas dans la bonne direction!
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We all have powers! Kindness is one of them. Nous avons tous des pouvoirs spéciaux. La gentillesse en est un!
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Depression is like...
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Life is a journey, not a race. Go at your own pace. La vie n'est pas une course, c'est une aventure. Avance à ton propre rythme.
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Be aware of your magnificence! Reconnais ta valeur!
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Try to remain optimistic no matter what life throws at you! Essayez de rester optimiste!
13 magnificent castles in Upstate NY straight out of a fairy tale
Who knew that there were so many castles hidding in upstate NY? De magnifiques châteaux New Yorkais.
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The moon can brighten someone's darkest hour... La lune peut illuminer la noirceur...
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Success is the tip of the iceberg. Le succès n'est que la pointe du iceberg.
12 Ways To Be A Happier Person
Twelve ways to be a happier. Douze stratégies pour être plus heureux.
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Depresssion is not a weakness; and it's treatable. La dépression n'est pas signe de faiblesse; on peut la traiter.