We are a vibrant body of faithful Christians working to fulfill the mission that God has given us. A part of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Diocese of Ottawa is comprised of urban, suburban, and rural parishes in Eastern Ontario and West Quebec, as well as five community ministries.
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Our friends at St Luke's Table are in need of plastic grocery bags. If individuals and parishes could collect these and drop them off at 760 Somerset St West, that would be greatly appreciated.
Instagram Blog
Are you managing multiple Instagram accounts? Perhaps a personal one and one for your parish? Well, there's exciting news: Instagram has made it possible to easily switch between different accounts so that you no longer have to log in and out!
Timeline Photos
Will you be eating pancakes today?
Supporting parish ministry
Tears, hope and sandwiches as St. Matthias Anglican Church closes doors
Please keep our friends from St Matthias Anglican Church in your thoughts and prayers.
Parishioners at St. Matthias bid farewell to house of worship
Cornerstone Housing for Women
Join CPJ's Board
Our friends at Citizens for Public Justice has 3 vacancies on the Board in 2016. They are searching for committed members from across Canada to join them in promoting public justice.
Administrator - Parish
Our friends at the Church of St. John the Evangelist are looking for a Parish Administrator. Take a look at their Job Posting:
Orientation videos prepare General Synod attendees - Anglican Church of Canada
To help prepare delegates, guests, visitors, observers and media, General Synod Communications is producing a series of 10 orientation videos in preparation for the 41st meeting of the General Synod of The Anglican Church of Canada. Learn more, and watch the first video:
Thank you to The Salvation Army in Ottawa, Canadian Red Cross, and staff of the City of Ottawa for providing their assistance to the women of Cornerstone Housing for Women following the fire earlier today. We are happy to report that there were no injuries in the fire, and that our primary focus remains the care of the women.