Urban Empowerment Ministries
Urban Empowerment is empowering people to impact the community, build the Kingdom and change the world. Urban Empowerment is empowering people to impact the community, build the Kingdom and change the world. - Acts 1:8
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facebook.comWhile you are petitioning, God is preparing, protecting, promising, and preserving! Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAsssignment #Assignment2018 #Success #PrayerwithBishop #Pray4MeuE3
“Second Chance Assignment” Pastor Johnnie Moss, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018 #SecondChanceAssignment
Your private prayer in your secret place will produce public power. Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAsssignment #Assignment2018 #Success #PrayerwithBishop #Pray4MeuE3
The key to supernatural success is private prayer, praise, worship, preaching, and prophesying. Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAsssignment #Assignment2018 #Success #PrayerwithBishop #Pray4MeuE3
Where you are is not where you are going to end up! Bishop Lester Woods, Jr #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018
You cannot praise God in the palace, until you have learned to praise God in the pit. Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018
Join Bishop Lester Woods, Jr., now for prayer! #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018 #Success #Psalms91 #Pray4MeuE3
You are not your current condition. You are your potential future! Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018
Real Life Empowerment (Bible Study) Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018
Meet us tonight as we continue The Study of Spiritual Gifts! #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018 #SpiritualGifts #LocateYourAssignment
Sis. Rachael and Caroline blessed us in dance sharing with us some of their Nigerian and Kenyan culture! #uE3 #uE3Ministries #BlackHistory #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018
God is a public rewarder of those who have private praise. Bishop Lester Woods, Jr. #uE3 #uE3Ministries #YearofAssignment #Assignment2018