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Innovate Your Wireless
花千樹 地址 : 荃灣荃華街3號悅來酒店3樓14-15鋪
專科補習: 小一至中三:中、英、數、普通話 DSE: 通識、化學 IB/ IGCSE: Chem, Math 創意寫作、閱讀及詞匯、普通話GAPSK, KPCC證書課程、小一/中一面試、小組討論……
Manufacture, Import-Export, Wholesale (Worldwide) , Automobile Electronic Device. 生產, 進出口及批發(全球)汽車電子設備。
課程包括, ~星級烘焙課程 (江洛洋先生主理) ~開心親子課程(粤語) ~ABC Kids Baking (英/粤) ~私房菜教室 ~Team building services/團體/公司活動
Zomii is one of the best collections of fashion umbrellas.
MaskGenie is a Hong Kong-based online store where we gather masks from all over Asia to add into our pouches, and ship them directly to your doorstep.
服務式辦公室, 虛擬辦公室, 成立公司, 會計審計 車隊保險,勞保諮詢, 團體醫保,團體強積金諮詢 Serviced Office, Virtual Office, Business Registration, Account&Audit Car, Labour, Insurance Consult
ENRICO COVERI is an Italian fashion brand with it famous inspirational design. We carry men high quality leather good, from small key bag to briefcase.
We imported Europe goods directly in good price and good quality. We always care about your needs...
Africa Penguin 從非洲山羊的食物,到世界排名第二的受歡迎飲料。經1200年的旅程,咖啡已不限於非洲,如今,非洲企鵝準備將咖啡重回非洲,引領大家感受冰極的非洲獨有花果香味咖啡新享受。
多款Canon L / Nikon鏡頭、單反相機、防水相機、閃光燈及其他攝影器材出租。可用香港身分證和住址證明(三個月內要同身分證同名)做租借
日本。祭活動希望可以提升學生對日本文化的興趣。活動當日會有太鼓舞, 日本零食 攤位遊戲 精彩表演節目等等 活動更設有抽獎環節 幸運兒可以 享受免費日本放題!
PIXELS provides multi-screen advertising solutions to reach audiences across desktop, mobile, tablet and connected TV.
He She Baby~ 專為忙碌而家愛靚既媽媽而設既粉絲專頁~~ 為你送上至IN至潮既日韓BB同媽媽靚衫及用品~ 安坐家中都可以輕輕鬆鬆, 做至潮靚媽~~
Maternity, Newborn, Children, Family and Lifestyle photography services by 100% female team.....in warm, unique and stunning styles!
We established at 1999. And we have more than 15 years experience in house and office moving and storage.
Welcome to the Centre for China Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong! We offer an undergraduate BA/BSSc programme in Contemporary China Studies and graduate MA, MPhil, and PhD programmes in Chinese Studies. - AW