Asia’s New Media Art Collective since 1986 With the continuous support from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Videotage organizes exhibitions, workshops, performances, artist-in-residencies and exchange programs to bring media art closer to our everyday life. Curatorial projects not only takes place at Videotage’s office at the Cattle Depot Artist Village, or formerly at the Oil Street Artist Village, but expands to different spheres in the public – at shopping mall, at school, and in collaboration with museum and art centre locally and worldwide.
VMAC (Videotage Media Art Collection) was officiated in 2008 with mission to collect, preserve and build an extensive archive of video and media art of Hong Kong. Representing more than 20 years of development in media art, VMAC, that is opened to general public in 2011, together with the eight volumes of The Best of Videotage, a publication series that captures over 100 artists’ work in print, are of high significant educational value to the discourse of media archeology and art history in Hong Kong.
Videotage, a listed media art organisation in UNESCO, has been long-term collaborator with other media art organizations to for the betterment of video art and new media art locally and worldwide. Videotage has been the strategic partner of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, that celebrates its 15th Anniversary in 2011. Videotage is also invited to participate in the Venice Biennale of Architecture, Gwangju Biennial, Guangzhou Triennial, ISEA Festival and etc. International exposure also appears in form of exchange programs with the British Arts Festival, the Goethe-Institut, also participated in Remake HK, Project Unlimited organised by the Guggenheim Museum and Youtube in 2010.
Videotage conceives new media art as a cultural movement that brings art and technology productions to nodes of intersections in the digital and network era. To promote a free and open DIY culture, Videotage begins to host Dorkbot-HK in 2010. The network will be a hotbed of creativity and innovation, where artist, technologist, academia, practitioner from both private and public spheres, actively engage with technology and address contemporary social, political and cultural concerns. With the success of Wikitopia in 2010, we will continue exploring how citizen media and social media reshape humankind in the era of network culture. We will also continue providing service and support to media artist and general public for the development of media art and strengthen the position of Videotage as a cultural hub of knowledge transfer for art, culture and technology in the local, regional and international regime.
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facebook.com另一種影像記事 The Other Cinema
fds in Taipei dun miss it!! 時間|11月5日(六)19點00分 — 22點00分 地點| Woolloomooloo。Moonshiner 台北市萬華區武昌街二段120巷2號 (西門捷運站6號出口) 放映|《在海邊的兩年》 (Two Years At Sea, 2011) 《一段遙遠的情節》 (A Distant Episode, 2015) 映後出席| Videoclub策展人Jamie Wyld x 獨立影像思考人 史惟筑
We're pleased to announce this year artists who will be participating our 2016/2017 FUSE artist-residency program. A group from Australia- Soda Jerk and local artist Law Yuk Mui. We look forward to seeing their works and stay tuned for exhibitions, workshops, artist talks and more to come in the next couple of months from Soda Jerk and Law Yuk Mui!
Photos from Videotage's post
An excellent turn out this evening. Thank you all for coming and most importantly thank you Boom for its generous hosting of the event! Hope everyone had enjoyed a chill Monday evening hanging out with your beloved artist friends.
Both Sides Now 2016
Little but juicy chit-chat between artists and curators after our 3rd year Both Sides Now at Boom this evening.
Wikitopia 2016
Recorded talks from our this year Wikitopia. Enjoy!
Curating Art After New Media HK 2016
Those who missed out on our curating courses or didn't take notes during the talks and lectures. Here you got a chance to watch it again and again.
彼岸觀自在三 - 最後的邊境- 放映・座談
today is the day!
【彼岸觀自在III-最後的邊境-參展作品】 Choi Sai Ho 蔡世豪 Brighton is Our Playground (2016, 6'39") *Hong Kong Premiere* 選材自英國十六齣found footage 重新剪接、多重影像交疊及創作音樂,(以香港講法)進行「二次創作」,去完成全新一齣藝術影片作品。舊影片當中記載著昔日英國人日常生活點滴、公路上滑行中的城市景緻等等,反映當時英國人生活態度之餘,亦是對昔日生活潮流與歷史回憶的重新整合與回應。 Brighton Is Our Playground is a new art film work sampling 16 archive films from Screen Archive South East's collection of SE England, re-editing and layering multiple images and newly composed music creating a new work. The historical films document the English life and culture of the early 20th century, as well as the gliding cityscapes on the highway, which are a reflection of the British lifestyle at that time, capturing past trends and historic memories. Work Directed, Music Composed & Footage Edited by Choi Sai-Ho. ------ 2016 年 10 月 24 日,晚上 7 點,將於 Boom 舉行特別放映! 是次放映以香港單元的節目為主,加設映後座談,歡迎觀眾與策展人 Jamie Wyld (英國)、梁學彬 Isaac Leung (香港) 及藝術家 蔡世豪 (Choi Sai Ho)對談 。 RSVP ► See you Tomorrow! #BothSidesNow3 #Videoclub #Videotage
Photos from Videotage's post
Thanks for those who came to our 3rd year BSN screening in British Council this afternoon. There'll be another special screening on Monday evening at Boom with host and speakers. Check out our event invite for more details.
As a kind reminder, the screening will start as planned tomorrow. See you all there. Venue: British Council Hong Kong Date: 22 Oct (Sat) Time: 3pm
British Council Hong Kong
Thank you so much for British Council Hong Kong's Support! Both Side Now III: Final Frontiers 「彼岸觀自在III-最後的邊境」 UK Programme, co-presented by Videotage, together with videoclub (UK) is going to happen this Saturday, 22 October at 15:00. @Room 307-8, 3/F., British Council, 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong. ////Watch this space for updates about possible adverse weather arrangement./////////
Photos from Videotage's post
昨晚風大雨大,感謝中大 MA of Cultural Management (course of video, film and media arts management) 的同學們如期蒞臨牛棚參觀Videotage! 除了放映一些珍貴的香港錄像藝術作品,又一睹檔案庫;為了解NGO的經營,同學們對Videotage提出了很多深刻的問題! Hope everybody's safe under the bad weather.