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603 Yeung Shui Sang Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Non-governmental organization (ngo)



AIESEC in HKBU ||  Since 1986 AIESEC is the world's largest student-run organization presenting in over 124 countries and territories and with over 100,000 members. AIESEC focuses on providing a platform for youth leadership development. It offers young people the opportunities to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment.

AIESEC in HKBU is the third local committee(LC) established in Hong
Kong that has always been striving hard in providing and facilitating fruitful
leadership and exchange experience for participants since 1986.

We partner with a wide variety of organizations, from multinational to small
business, non-profit to government.



[We can be… We MUST be…] 全球目標 #7 可再生能源| Global Goal #7 Affordable and Clean Energy 比起1990年,全球碳排放量至今已經增加約46%,如果化石燃料仲係我哋嘅主要能源,情況就會繼續惡化,同時能源短缺嘅問題會更加嚴重。使用可再生能源,支持相關技術普及化,降低所需成本,可以同時解決化石燃料短缺同埋環境污染問題,值得我哋投資更多心力! Compared to 1990, the world's carbon emission has rocketed to 46%. If fossil fuels are still our main energy sources, the situation will undoubtedly deteriorate. Use renewable resources, support related technologies and lower the cost. It can both resolve the problem of shortage of fossil fuels as well as environmental pollution. Therefore, it is worthwhile for us to invest more into clean energy! #AIESECinHKBU #GlobalGoals

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[Happy Lunar New Year!] 新年快樂! 今日就喺農曆新一年嘅開始喇,祝大家呢一年身體健康、一帆風順! 唔知大家對新一年又有咩期望呢? 如果想再擴闊自己嘅眼界、幫助更多有需要嘅人,咁就唔好錯過我哋嘅Global Citizen Programme 喇! 有興趣嘅同學可以喺下面留低你嘅資料,我哋嘅AIESECer會儘快聯絡你架喇: Happy Lunar New Year! Today is the first day of a new year. We wish you have a prosperous and healthy year! What is your expectation this year? If you want to further broaden your horizon and help those in need, don't miss the chance to join our Global Citizen Programme! For those who are interested, please fill in the form below and our AIESECers will reach out to you very soon! #AIESECinHKBU

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Photos from AIESEC-LC-HKBU's post

[30th Anniversary Dinner] 多謝Custom Hong Kong贊助咁多貼紙俾我哋作為送俾嘉賓嘅紀念品! 同時亦都要多謝Fotopop贊助我哋設立一個即影即有嘅照相亭,令我哋可以用相片留住呢個難忘嘅時刻! 如果對呢兩間公司有興趣,可以到以下嘅網址了解更多: Thank you Custom Hong Kong for sponsoring us the beautiful stickers as the souvenir for our guests in our 30th Anniversary Dinner! Also, thank you Fotopop for sponsoring us the photo booth to let us have a memorable shot during the events! For more information, please refer to the website below to know more about the companies: #AIESECinHKBU

Photos from AIESEC-LC-HKBU's post

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[30th Anniversary Dinner] AIESEC in HKBU 成立三十年之久,一直蒙受多位顧問,校友和AIESECers嘅照顧和支持。藉著這特殊的日子,本會再次感謝各位蒞臨參與這個盛會的顧問,校友和AIESECers,而本會AIESEC in HKBU亦在此繼續向大家承諾提供最佳嘅領導訓練和交換生計劃給香港浸會大學的學生,再次感謝您與我們分享這珍貴的一刻!期待下一次與你們每一位嘅重遇! The 30th Anniversary dinner of AIESEC in HKBU has finally come to an end. We express our greatest gratitude to all the advisors, alumni and current AIESECers for celebrating this special occasion with us. The history of AIESEC-LC-HKBU will be treasured and we will keep on providing the best leadership experience to other students. Thank you again for sharing this precious moment with us! #AIESECinHKBU

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[We can be... We MUST be...] 家 不只是安居的蛹 而是這個你所屬的世界 當世界的廣闊被認知 一切的可能被發現 我們將蛻變成為那牽動轉變的 奮力拍翼的蝴蝶 家,不只是香港 H O M E Not just a safe and sound pupa for you to live in But a wonderful place that solely belongs to you When the world is being recognized; When the universe is being discovered We would transmute into the butterflies that battle for changes Home, doesn’t mean Hong Kong only. #AIESECinHKBU #GlobalGoals

[Global Talent Programme] 27號下午11點59分就係Global Talent Programme嘅最後報名限期啦! 唔好猶疑啦,快啲把握最後機會,填好報名表格啦! Remember the application deadline is 27th January 2359. Don't Hesitate, grasp the last chance and fill in your application form! Time to SUIT UP!

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[Global Citizen Programme | Be Like Blueman] 你想唔想好似Blueman咁去另一個地方幫助其他人,同時間令自己成長、增加自己嘅遊歷呢? 想嘅話就快啲喺下面嗁網址登記你嘅資料,或者喺二月尾嚟我哋嘅攤位索取多啲資料啦! Do you want to be like Blueman to volunteer abroad and develop yourself? Spark your journey today! Register you information in the link below or visit our booth at late February to get more information! #AIESECinHKBU

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[Local Committee President 1617 ] 恭喜Crystal 成為AIESEC in HKBU 2016-2017屆嘅主席,佢將會帶領AIESEC in HKBU呢個團體邁向更美好嘅未來!佢就已經踏出左佢嘅舒適圈向難度挑戰喇!而你呢?如果你勇於變成一個新嘅自己,唔好諗咁多,就喺今日喇! Congratulations to Crystal Tai – our LCP 1617! Going through a 6-hour intense Q&A session, Crystal has been elected as our president next year and will lead our organization to a better future! She has stepped out of her comfort zone and takes her risk to accept the challenge. How about you? If you dare to be a new self, let’s start from today!

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[Global Talent Programme | 海外工作計劃] 想知道多啲關於海外工作計劃嘅資料? 聽晚仲有最後一場簡介會!快啲把握機會,黎AAB Podium搵我哋報名啦! 日期:21/1/2016 (THUR) 時間:19:00-22:00 地點:AAB 402K&L Do you want to know more about Global Talent Programme? We still have the last recruitment event tomorrow night, grasp the chance and find us on AAB Podium! Date: 21/1/2016 (THUR) Time: 19:00-22:00 Place: AAB 402K&L

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[ Global Talent Programme | 1st Recruitment Talk (Semester 2) ] 你準備好未啊?係時候要出去闖下喇!仲唔快啲報名參加海外工作計劃! Global Talent Programme recruitment talk is happening now! Are you ready for your overseas working journey now? Time to suit up!

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[We can be… We MUST be…] 全球目標 #6 清潔用水和衛生| Global Goal #6 Clean Water and Sanitation 根據聯合國兒童基金會嘅數據,當我地喺香港享受緊完全乾淨飲用水嘅時候,竟然仲有6.63億人用𡁵未經過濾或改善嘅飲用水源 。缺乏乾淨飲用水同惡劣嘅衛生條件會引發唔同嘅疾病,令到每日有數千名兒童死亡。其實每個人都可以做少少去幫忙改善全球衛生系統同維繋可持續發展 - 就喺支持全球目標#6 潔淨用水和衛生喇! According to UNICEF, when we are enjoying fully clean water in Hong Kong, there are still 663 million people using unimproved drinking water sources. The lack of clean water and poor sanitation can have serious negative impacts to humans for increasing life span. It kills and sickens thousands of children everyday. Indeed, everyone can do just a little to improve the world’s sanitation system for a better world’s sustainability - support Global Goal #6 Clean Water and Sanitation! #AIESECinHKBU #GlobalGoals

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[Global Talent Programme | 海外工作計劃] 新學期開始啦!就黎畢業既你又搵到工未呢?唔使驚,Global Talent Programme幫到你! 下星期我地會有兩場既簡介會,好榮幸可以請到Mr Nick Lambe,同埋Ms. Junia S.Y. Ho去分享佢地對於搵工同香港工作市場既睇法。下星期見啦! It’s the start of a year again! Are you ready to start fighting for a graduation job? Here comes the chance! In the coming week, the Global Talent Programme is going to present 2 recruitment talks to all of you. We are honorable to have Mr Nick Lambe from Links International and Ms. Junia S.Y. Ho from Relybase Consultants Limited to share their insights on job hunting and Hong Kong job market. See you there!

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