鮮材日日新鮮運到, 客人即叫即做。
雲津美食 (外賣專門店) 專營港式小食/美日台小食 價格大眾化 提供到會服務
電話號碼:2676 2613/ 2676 2077 電郵:d01@hklss.hk 網址:http://shekwu-cd.hklss.hk 「見農在田」計劃由路德會於2013年成立,借用仍未發展的農地,推動有機耕種,以期降低城市化對農村的影響。
代客織衫, 勾衫 銷售毛冷
影靚相,晒油畫,做相冊,找獎盃,做錦旗. 地址:新界粉嶺祥華邨祥禮樓地下101號地舖
汽車維修*年檢*美容*保養 如有任何問題可以INBOX聯絡 :)
本專頁提供 港北體運會 及 卓泳體育會 的報賽詳情 如有任何泳班查詢可致電61278086找本人
arbortools (Hong Kong), Ltd. is a distributor of arboriculture tools and products in the Asian region. Located in Hong Kong, arbortools services Asia with the latest tree climbing equipment.
This is a happy family, In this home , have a naughty but very cute puppy. (ฅ'ω'ฅ)♪
地址:粉嶺聯和墟榮福中心18號地鋪 電話:60228013 ♥歡迎查詢及預約♥
四驅車,農夫車改裝, 代訂各國改裝件零件,保養及維修,政府驗車,汽車買賣,代辦保險等
SBC is an independent skateboarding crew based in Hong Kong, having a shop in Fanling (near the skatepark) and in Yau Ma Tei (X game street).
SkyB - 天空熱氣球Cafe .粉嶺聯和道9號地下 Opening Hours: Mon-Thu & Holiday 1400-2100 Fri, Sat & The Day before Holiday 1400-2200 Tue Off
滲水調查-裝修檢驗-樓宇檢驗-損失評估-公證服務 24小時查詢熱線(Whatsapp): 9410-9768 Tel: 2669-0228 / SKYPE: hksurvey
Ascension House charges from 150HKD per night!
小店有代購香港產品,集體團購,及零售特色產品! 歡迎有意的台灣,內地及本地朋友查詢! WhatsApp: +852 96001915 LINE ID : 1291812 WeChat ID : ty96001915
IMWU adalah Serikat Buruh bagi Buruh Migran Indonesia (BMI) yang bekerja di Hong Kong. Alat perjuangan bagi BMI dalam memperjuangankan hak-hak dasar dan demokratisnya. Termasuk bagi anggota keluarga BMI.
CORE is a multi-purpose, state of the art community center. Here, you get to connect with your peers, learn something new, expand your opportunities, all while having fun! With great services and facilities.
We record the moment for life Commercial | Fashion | Family | Fashion |Event | Contact:: 96996139 (Zero) e-mail :: creative_production@live.com
門市地址: 荔枝角青山道588號永盛工業大廈11樓05室 訂購電話: 3998 4900 /Whatapps訂購: 6010 7200 http://www.bluestonefood.com
新界沙田大圍積輝街2-18號大圍街市 M13