鮮材日日新鮮運到, 客人即叫即做。
雲津美食 (外賣專門店) 專營港式小食/美日台小食 價格大眾化 提供到會服務
電話號碼:2676 2613/ 2676 2077 電郵:d01@hklss.hk 網址:http://shekwu-cd.hklss.hk 「見農在田」計劃由路德會於2013年成立,借用仍未發展的農地,推動有機耕種,以期降低城市化對農村的影響。
代客織衫, 勾衫 銷售毛冷
影靚相,晒油畫,做相冊,找獎盃,做錦旗. 地址:新界粉嶺祥華邨祥禮樓地下101號地舖
汽車維修*年檢*美容*保養 如有任何問題可以INBOX聯絡 :)
本專頁提供 港北體運會 及 卓泳體育會 的報賽詳情 如有任何泳班查詢可致電61278086找本人
arbortools (Hong Kong), Ltd. is a distributor of arboriculture tools and products in the Asian region. Located in Hong Kong, arbortools services Asia with the latest tree climbing equipment.
This is a happy family, In this home , have a naughty but very cute puppy. (ฅ'ω'ฅ)♪
地址:粉嶺聯和墟榮福中心18號地鋪 電話:60228013 ♥歡迎查詢及預約♥
四驅車,農夫車改裝, 代訂各國改裝件零件,保養及維修,政府驗車,汽車買賣,代辦保險等
SBC is an independent skateboarding crew based in Hong Kong, having a shop in Fanling (near the skatepark) and in Yau Ma Tei (X game street).
SkyB - 天空熱氣球Cafe .粉嶺聯和道9號地下 Opening Hours: Mon-Thu & Holiday 1400-2100 Fri, Sat & The Day before Holiday 1400-2200 Tue Off
滲水調查-裝修檢驗-樓宇檢驗-損失評估-公證服務 24小時查詢熱線(Whatsapp): 9410-9768 Tel: 2669-0228 / SKYPE: hksurvey
Equinix connects the world’s leading businesses to their customers, employees and partners inside the most interconnected data centers.
Student Insight is a project run by Education Intelligence, British Council’s global research service, to collect student views on studying abroad.
Carpet Concerto Ltd 協和建材 is a leading carpet, wood floor and vinyl tile supplier in Hong Kong. Our products are imported from worldwide with Green cert.
Prepare yourself for a fitness experience unlike anything you've ever seen before.
現屆: 恒生管理學院第六屆學生會幹事會 - 睿恒
TAFEWA Central 專業甲藝證書