swim gears designated for aquaholics email: info@poloseven.com
自家制手工皮革 Handmade leather craft
Eye Fashion 為您提供專業驗眼服務,一站式配售既附合實際需要,又貼近潮流款式的各種眼鏡框架及鏡片,亦提供全面的售後服務。
The Horizon is the line where the sky meets the earth. ORIZON is where the school community, both the administration and students, come together.
A coworking space in Aberdeen, southern district of Hong Kong. A member's co-working space for freelancers, small businesses, and creative workers.
We are an independent agency. All of our agents are professional, friendly and most importantly licensed agents who have been practicing the trade for many years.
Sisters Beauty Pro 優先專業美容院 2015 & 2016 ***本店服務範圍包括有美容護理,新娘化妝,宴會化妝,髮型設計,個人化妝班,飄眉,飄眼線,脫癦。
Alisan Fine Arts, established in the 1980s, a pioneer in the field of Contemporary Chinese Art and New Ink Art.
營業時間 星期一至六 10am-3pm 5pm-9pm 星期日休息
專業服務: 買賣及租賃包括 (公營房屋,居者有其屋,夾屋,單幢私人樓字,小型/大型屋苑,豪宅) (區內工廠,寫字樓,地鋪)
Sugarflowers, Cake Decorating. For enquiry, please email to: wendysugarcraft@yahoo.com.hk
Virtual reality gaming is absolutely amazing and this is for everyone that wants to participate on our journey.
We are the American Studies Programme at the University of Hong Kong
Our professional makeup and hairdo team provides bridal makeup and hairdo service which helps capture the most natural and beautiful side of you.
辦公時間: 10:00a.m. - 1:30p.m. 2:45p.m. - 7:00p.m (星期一至星期五) 10:00a.m. - 1:30p.m. (星期六)
香港首間蜂巢雪糕店於二零一四年六月廿八日開業,一個月內已吸引數千雪糕愛好者來品嘗及香港十多間傳媒專訪。 旺角分店:24669099 九龍城分店:23827088 淘大分店:27153818