CITA | Center for Information Technology and Architecture
innovative research environment exploring the emergent intersections between architecture and digital technologies CITA: Centre for Information Technology and Architecture
CITA is an innovative research environment exploring the emergent intersections between architecture and digital technologies. Identifying core research questions into how space and technology can be probed, CITA seeks to investigate how the current forming of a digital culture impacts on architectural thinking and practice.
CITA examines how architecture is influenced by new digital design- and production tools as well as the digital practices that are informing our societies culturally, socially and technologically. Using design and practice based research methods, we explore computation through the conceptualisation, design and realisation of full scale prototypes. Building on a broad network of partners from engineering, computer science, robotics, material science, design and textiles we understand technology as a critical and creative engagement.
By examining technology transfers between high-innovative industries, that stand on front edge in the development of new digitalised designs- and production tools, it's our goal to create synergy between architecture contemporary reality and its future perspective.
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facebook.comCITA Works - Book launch at DAC
This Thursday: books, nerds, beautiful stuff, champagne. Be there!!
ArcIntex Symposium
Mette Ramsgard Thomsen (Head of CITA) will be speaking at the ArcIntex Symposium "activating the surface" on 28. February 2016 in Berlin. CITA is member of the ArcInTex network, in which practitioners from Architecture, Interaction Design and Textiles join forces in order to develop ideas, techniques, methods and programs for new perspectives on design for building, dwelling and living.
CITA is happy to promote the SmartGeometry 2016 Cluster: "Calibrated Modeling". The workshop builds upon research conducted in the Complex Modelling project at CITA and consolidates a year long collaboration of CITA, KET at the University of the Arts in Berlin, Daniel Piker, Will Pearson and many more on the convergence of lightweight Design Modelling for Material Behaviors with the precision of FE Modelling approaches. The deadline for applications to the Cluster is on 12. February 2016.
Complex Modelling
1:1 samples from three CITA research projects will be part of the materialXperience exhibition in Rotterdam from January. Hybrid Tower, Stressed Skin and Sensitive Ceramics demonstrate, how through the combination of digital fabrication, simulation and Craft materials and their behavior become part of design. The projects are simultaneously investigations into novel ways of robotic making with CNC Knitted Textiles, sheet metal and porcelain as they encounter new areas of architectural computation. Hybrid Tower and Stressed Skin are part of the Sapere Aude research project Complex Modelling at CITA. More info and free tickets to the event here
CITA Works - Book launch at DAC
Photos from CITA's post
In September 2015, CITA turned 10 years! Time passes and it is strange to think that it has been this long. To recognise this anniversary we have assembled our work in the book publication CITA works. It gives an overview of over 30 key research projects within computation, material systems and digital fabrication. We invite you to help us celebrate CITA works at the Danish Architecture Centre (DAC) on February 11th, 2016. The opening will include a welcome by DAC director Kent Martinussen and introductions by Philip Beesley and Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen. We are also delighted to share the 2015 CITAstudio: Computation in Architecture yearbook, and announce that applications for the upcoming year are now open. CITAstudio is a two year International Master's Programme at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. With a focus on digital design and material fabrication the programme questions how computation is changing our spatial, representational and material cultures.
CITAstudio teaser
CITA studio released a video, that introduces some of the students output from the two first years of the architectural master education "Computation in Architecture" enjoy watching. more here: #cita #kadkdk #citastudio #citaresearch
#citacph getting accommodated with the new #robot setup and the combination with our #Faro #3dscanner. #pointcloud #feedback

My desk really does have a pretty sweet view in the afternoon! Thanks @citacph :)
