Healing and Wellness, Aromas and more. Raindrop Savvy Minerals YLEOs ZYTO AromaDome Faith and Spirituality Classes Workshops DIY Meditation + more!
Hours are subject to change. Daily/weekly specials. Home cooked. Gluten free options.
All your alteration and mending needs done in one week and with a smile.
Current sales and events for the Pembina West Co-op in Barrhead and Mayerthorpe Alberta.
It's All About The Legs
Activities & Training for You & Your Dog
Free employment services for individuals and employers. Serving Barrhead and Westlock . Employers post jobs with us at jobs@whitecourtemployment.com.
9 Hole Golf Course Par 35
Neerlandia Liquor Store is here to bring some great tasting liquor and great customer service to our small hamlet north of Barrhead! Nice place to stop by if you are passing through.
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The Rotary Interact Page for Barrhead
Hair, Gel&Shellac services. Cosmetic&Medical pedicures, Diabetic foot care, Ingrown toe nail repair, Full body waxing,Facials & Peels, Tattoo & Reflexology
Barrhead Composite High School is a grade 7 to 12 school and is located in Barrhead Alberta Canada.
The selling of automotive, heavyduty, small engine, Welding and agricultural parts along with automobile performance and accessories parts.
Personal Training, Sport specific training, Triathlon Coaching & Nutritional Consulting are some of the services we provide
Precast concrete slabs
Alaskan Malamutes and Finnish Lapphunds
Canada's original burger restaurant. Serving great-tasting burgers, handmade onion rings, and frosted mugs of famous A&W Root Beer since 1956.
Because Hand~Made Says...From the Heart
Thank you for liking our page! Our garden center offers you a place to relax and have coffee and Elieneke's Bake Shop right next door. Stop by our gift shop and enjoy the colorful surroundings in our greenhouse. Always welcome at De Herdt Gardens!
Provides Vacuum Truck and Steam Truck oilfield services in and around the Barrhead area.
Home made wood decor , painted and refurbished refurbished furniture , making beautiful products out of new and old
PAMG Courtiers d'assurances inc. Cabinet en assurance de dommages
LeTusk, Cuisine et bar, vous en mettra plein la vue avec son menu varié style bistro. Venez déguster en toute simplicité un bon repas à prix abordable. Au plaisir de vous servir!
Put some swing in your life every Friday night at Cat's Corner! Introductory lesson is at 8:30PM and a drop-in intermediate class at 8:45!
Avant-Garde College has operated as a full-service educational salon since 1987.
Venez, mangez, et revenir sera votre seule option. Come, eat, and coming back will be your only option.
Historic Downtown Hotel
Grand River Raceway is a dynamic horse racing & gaming destination located in the beautiful village of Elora, ON. Expect An Experience!
Over 75 Years of Service Excellence!!!