<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0 This page is for the veteran or novice sport marksmen and all other firearm enthusiasts/collectors. This page is open for discussion and/or sharing of related topics. This is not a political forum but welcomes any updates regarding legal ownership and any changes to the firearms act (Canadian law, page is based in Canada). Discussion is welcome, but any anti-gun propaganda; other problematic or unrelated to recreational marksmanship will be deleted, reported or result in blocking the offending party from accessing this page. For them truly passionate about making their firearms unique, more versatile or simply an extension of the person, artful self expression or a fully tactical beast; a link is provided on the main page which will direct you to zahal. Zahal is an Israel based company at the top of the modifications business also in the business of military surplus. Providing a selection of military grade weapon mods as well as clothing and tactical gear for the person behind the weapon. They are a well known and legal company with sales in North America, Europe and of course, Israel. Feel free to check out their site and if desiring top quality accessories please feel free to buy. 10% of all sales over $500 are paid to the creator and administrator of this page. Zahal is a private company and the profits do not fund any political parties.
- Lucas Veres page admin.
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