Reiki Energy Healing
Shiloh Rae Energy Healing
IsisSeichim Energy
Crystal Healing
Egyptian Emotional Cleanse
Astrology Birth Charts
Numerology Charts Reiki Master and Teacher providing energy healings channeling Usui Reiki, Shiloh Rae and Isis Seichim, Crystal Healing, Egyptian Emotional Cleanse, Astrology Birth Charts, Numerology Charts are all services provided.
Animal Reiki also provided.
Mobile Service available if required.
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facebook.comFor anyone willing to come out on this cold, wet and windy day, I will offer a walk in special of $40 for 1 hour Reiki session :)
Card 1 - I AM PRESENCE - Crown Chakra This card is an indication that you are connecting to your 'I AM' presence at a deeper level. Just like each of us has angels and spirit guides that walk with us in the higher realms, we also have an aspect of ourselves that resonates in this higher state of consciousness. The I AM presence is the all-loving all-knowing, all-wise aspect of yourself that holds profound guidance and wisdom at all times. It resonates pure love and healing energy and is the angelic and divine aspect of our soul. Your I AM presence pours its love and wisdom upon you and you are being asked to open and receive its divine light. Your I AM presence is calling for you to connect deeply with this divine aspect of yourself. If you have been feeling lost and lack direction, your I AM presence holds the answers to your questions and is offering you divine guidance loud and clear. This aspect of yourself is the best guide for you right now. It's time to allow and trust yourself at this deeper level. You are being guided to take some time to strengthen and deepen this connection by meditating, writing, and doing those things that allow you to feel the higher vibration of your soul. Affirmation: My I AM presence shines brightly through me for all to see. Card 2 - HOLISTIC HEALTH - Base Chakra This card lets you know that healing is at hand. It is your natural state of being to be healthy in all aspects of your life. Your mind, body and spirit are constantly working to attain good health. Due to the world we live in, which is filled with stress and chemicals, disharmony is relevant. The body, however, has an innate intelligence to heal. Your job is to get out of its way and clear your emotional and mental imbalances so the body can heal itself. Dis-ease and sickness can occur on many levels. The body can store old emotions and beliefs, which in time can create imbalances in your outer energy causing disharmony and dis-ease. Healing is holistic, and when you can work on the many layers of being, miracle healing can occur and a state of wellbeing can take place. Have you been feeling out of balance, sluggish and generally unwell? It's time to tune in and become aware of any disharmony in your field. Do whats required for holistic healing to occur. It's time to expand your awareness and look behind the issue at what emotion or outdated belief system could be causing an imbalance. You are the most powerful person in your life to create profound healing. It's time to look at yourself holistically and let go of anything that is not serving your highest purpose at this time. Do what is required to nurture this process, whether it is to go and see a healer, massage therapist, start a daily practice like Yoga, meditation or some form of exercise. You may also be guided to change what you eat, or change something in your environment. Whatever your mind, body and spirit is calling you to do, it is a perfect time to take action and invite holistic healing into your life. Affirmation: Every little cell in my body is happy and healthy. Card 3 - GROUNDING - Earth Star Chakra This card is a sign that it's time to get grounded. You may have been feeling a little scattered with your thoughts and feelings and finding it difficult to focus and concentrate. Maybe you're feeling stressed and busy due to the many demands on you and you are finding it difficult to create and manifest positive outcomes and experiences in your life. Know you are not alone. This is a very common feeling and it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and craziness that surrounds you. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and the best thing for you right now is to get centred and grounded. The most powerful way to do this is to align with and reconnect to the beautiful Mother Earth. You are encouraged to take some time in nature connecting and receiving the abundance of energy and magic she has to share. This is the best medicine for your soul right now. You may like to spend some time at the beach, go for a walk in the bush, visit a lovely waterfall or a favourite place in nature where you feel at peace. Sit on the land and feel yourself completely grounded and centred. When you are grounded you feel a deep connection to yourself and everything around you. Affirmation: My energy is completely grounded into the healing energy of the Earth.
Pick a card you are most drawn to for guidance and which chakra it relates to. Reveals posted Sunday. These are such beautiful cards <3
Appointment times still available! Walk in special of $40 on again TODAY only till 1pm :)
Appointment times still available. My walk in special is on again today - $40 for 1 hour Reiki only until 4pm :)
Appointments still available. Walk in special on again TODAY only until 1pm - 1 hr Reiki session for just $40 a massive 50% off :)
Messages from Your Angels: Card 1 - FRANCESCA 'What do you desire right now? Visualise it, and it will come about. Negativity will block your progress'. 'You have been asking God and the angels, What is next for me?' Yet, we have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself! That is why you have felt stuck lately. This impasse occurs because you are afraid of making a 'wrong' decision. We can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter of your life is up to you. This is a period of your life that is unscripted. 'Your desires are like a painting that you can create upon the canvas of your life. Like an artist, you must decide what the theme, background, and foreground will be within your picture. Take some time out to meditate, pray upon, and contemplate this important decision. Be creative, and maintain standards for yourself. But remember: If you don't make a decision, that's the same thing as deciding that everything shall remain the same'. Card 2 - MERLINA 'You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research or seek expert advice before making a decision'. 'You have felt like you are chasing your tail, looking at this option, then that option. This indecisiveness is exhausting you, dear one!' The reason why you're confused is that you do not have enough information to make an informed decision. Your choices appear too similar right now, but once you conduct additional research, your decision will become more clear. 'First, begin by asking God and the angels to enter your dreams and give you more information. Then, ask your feelings to give you guidance. This means imagining what it would feel like to make this decision. Then, imagine what it would feel like to make the other choice. Go deep within, and notice how your body reacts as you try on the different options. If your gut or jaw tightens, this is a sign that something isn't right. If your heart flutters with warmth, this is a sign that you are on the right path. Before making your final decision, seek the counsel of wise friends and teachers whose experience and intuition can guide you'. Card 3 - DESIREE 'No, conditions aren't favourable right now. Wait, or look into other options; and ask the angels to help, guide, and comfort you'. 'There is a reason why you asked for Heaven's opinion about this situation. In your heart, you knew that something was amiss. I am here to help you trust this wisdom within your heart. Although it may seem romantic to jump in without looking, this situation warrants otherwise. Since I am one of your guardian angels, your happiness is my central mission. This situation, as it currently stands, won't bring you the joy that you seek. 'There are options available to you. One is to wait. This will certainly improve your outlook, either because you will learn more information, or because something better will come along. The second option is to go ahead with the current situation. You certainly have the free will to do so. Be assured that I will stay with you whether you heed my caution or not. If you fall into a situation where you need my rescue, I will be there with my unconditional love! Each time that you listen to me - and also each time that you ignore me - you grow and learn'. <3
What your Angels want you to know. Pick a card you are most drawn to and the reveals will be posted tomorrow <3