Dunnington Fitness
We offer weekly fitness classes all year round from Circuits to Kettlecise
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facebook.comCircuits still going ahead tomorrow unless there is a change overnight, Wet/snow weather session. Wrap up warm.
Kettkercise as usual tonight , no snow day for you lot 😁
Hi all This week 'pay as you go' classes will be Thursday kettkercise 6.15pm at reading room. Saturday circuits 9.00am sports field. Hope to see you there..
Great circuits class last night to start the new term. New kettkercise Heatseeker starts tonight at the Methodist chapel, continuing Thursday at the Reading rooms. Finishing the week with circuits Saturday morning with John. Let's get back to it 💪
Happy New year to you all 🎉 Hope your ready to burn off some of the excesses of Christmas?? Pay as you go classes for this week; Tuesday 2nd circuits on sports field 7.30pm Thursday 4th kettlercise at reading rooms 6.15pm Saturday 6th circuits on sports field 9.00am Look forward to seeing you and starting our 2018 fitness journey.
Just a reminder of classes this week. John is running a circuits class tonight 7.30 Dunnington sports club field. I'll be taking a kettlercise class tomorrow 6.15 at the chapel. These are both pay as you go classes. Hope to see you there. Mel
Hi all For those of you coming to xmas brunch on Sunday,the table is booked for 11.30, venue cosy club on fossgate, look forward to seeing you there. For my Thursday kettlercisers we are in the chapel again this week, back to the reading rooms next week. Thanks Mel
Just a reminder Tonight's Kettlercise is at the chapel same time 6.15. See you there 💪
Tis the season to start bringing hats and gloves. It might be a cold one tonight. See you all tonight. Mel
Circuits tonight at 7.30 Dunnington sports club field, 'pay as you go' this week. See you there, if you dare 👻👺
Hi all We're in the last week of our first term and I have to say I've really enjoyed it. Looking forward to next term already. Hope you all received the email with next terms classes, I've received a few replies and got you booked on. Just a reminder next week's half term classes are: Tuesday circuits 7.30 sports club field, Thursday kettles 6.15 Methodist Chapel, Saturday circuits 9.00am sports club field. To all my Kettlercise crew this is what you have to look forward to this week 😀
A fun workout planned for tomorrow. See you all at 9am !!