Vibrant Body Health
Want to feel more flexible and relaxed and pain-free? Tailor-made treatments given with a sensitive approach by a highly qualified experienced practitioner
Remedial and Orthopedic Massage
What is Remedial and Orthopedic Massage Therapy?
Remedial Massage helps to remedy tension and posture and ease muscular aches and pain.
The goals of remedial massage therapy are to -
Reduce swelling and decrease pain
Promote healing
Maintain fitness and strength
Restore muscle balance through range of motion and strength
Prevent re-injury: minimize further injury the affected local tissue
The overall aim of Remedial Massage Therapy is to reduce pain and increase range of motion/movement.
This is a specialized type of massage therapy to work intensively with a range of techniques such as deep tissue massage and mobilisation techniques on localised areas of the body. Treatment techniques may involve the use of heat, cold, Remedial massage techniques, stretching and exercises to restore mobility and strength.
Mary Sarah Eldridge has experienced pain for many years in the past prior to discovering the benefits of remedial therapy for herself;
‘Following years of back pain problems and sciatica, when I was a teacher, and having tried many different therapies I discovered the benefits of Remedial Massage. This therapy helped retrain my muscles to release from spasm and hold themselves in a more relaxed and pain-free position. I no longer suffer from the debilitating pain and fear of re-injury and have learnt techniques to self- maintain good back and neck health with no pain and greater flexibility.’
What can conditions can Remedial Massage Therapy treat?
Many people today suffer with back, neck and shoulder pain causing many problems within the body. This may be a result of physical injury, poor posture, tension or repetitive actions, causing muscles to be in a contracted state for sustained periods.
Remedial Massage is a therapy used to treat muscular problems, loss of muscle tone and adhesions and removing physical tension in the muscles. Incorporating advanced massage techniques, it helps to speed up circulation and eliminate toxins, which can cause pain and stiffness. Other benefits can include improving the skin’s elasticity and helping with the break down of fatty tissue and adhesions.
Upper body pathologies;
* Treatment of the thoracic spine(upper back) to muscle strain, functional/structural scoliosis
* Treatment of injuries to the shoulder girdle
* Treatment of injuries to the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint; strains, tendiopathy and
impingement to the arm. and hand, Frozen shoulder or unstable shoulder
* Treatment to the forearm and hand; lateral or medial arm pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Treatment of the cervical spine (neck) headaches/migraines, soft tissue related neck pain and stiffness, acute torticollis (Wry neck) Traumatic Injuries- muscle strain/ ligament sprain (e.g. Motor vehicle accident resulting in whiplash or hypertension type injuries)
Lower body pathologies;
* Lower back pain including sciatica and muscle spasms in the gluteals (buttocks)
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So I'm often mistaken in my line of business as I think people think I'm just a massage therapist. Its frustrating as although I sometime do very lovely therapeutic treatment to relax the mind and soul and body but I want to explain what I actually do. I am a physical therapist specialising in Remedial and Orthopaedic massage. This includes specialised massage techniques, postural analysis, gait analysis, foot posture work, mobilisation techniques, orthopaedics massage, osteopathic techniques, stretches, exercise, physio type work. I work on a whole manner of ailments and musculoskeletal pain and injury to reduce pain and increase range of motion. Lower and upper back pain and spasm. Shoulder issue including rotator cuff issues, frozen shoulder, headaches and migraines, neck pain, pelvic pain, sciatic, sprains and strains, carpal tunnel symptoms, RSI, golfers and tennis elbow, foot and ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, rehab from ankle sprains or foot surgery, Manual Lymphatic Drainage for lymphodema. And the list goes on. So please don't think I am just doing Massage as I am a physical therapist who uses some massage in her work. I am passionate about my work and seeing patients feel less pain and more movement. I care and I give clients time and that's the beauty of private practice because I am my own boss and can work in what I see is the best way for my clients. If need need help I would be happy to see if can help you or refer you on to who may be able to. If you know anyone else suffering please pass my details on. Mary Sarah Eldridge 07540 625856
Vibrant Body Health
Valentine's Massage Gift Vouchers special offers
Photos from Vibrant Body Health's post
Valentine's Massage Gift vouchers for £45 each for a hours treatment or 2 vouchers for £80 Buy now and treat your loved one to a wonderful massage treatment Call Mary Sarah Eldridge 07540 625856 or visit
Timeline Photos
I wonder if you would be interested in attending the next Introduction to Massage workshops. We are running the following workshops; 1, The Legs Massage Saturday morning on 13th February at St Thomas' Church Hall on Lowther Street, York from 9:30am -1;30pm 2, The Back Massage Saturday morning on 12th March at St Thomas' Church Hall on Lowther Street, York from 9:30am -1;30pm Each course costs £55 but there is a special price for both for £99 if paid in full on booking. For detailed course information below and attached and booking form please email me
YSHT - York School Of Holistic Therapies
I wonder if you would be interested in attending the next Introduction to Massage workshops. We are running the following workshops; 1, The Legs Massage Saturday morning on 13th February at St Thomas' Church Hall on Lowther Street, York from 9:30am -1;30pm 2, The Back Massage Saturday morning on 12th March at St Thomas' Church Hall on Lowther Street, York from 9:30am -1;30pm Each course costs £55 but there is a special price for both for £99 if paid in full on booking. For detailed course information below and attached and booking form please email me
YSHT - York School Of Holistic Therapies
Seated Massage course for beginners Want to learn how to massage someone dear to you at home with a seated massage? Tense shoulders a and tired upper back? There are a few places left on this course running on Saturday 16th January from 10am- 1 pm @Millers Yard York Costs only £40 Please email tutor Mary Sarah Eldridge