The Cue Club Newry
The Cue Club Newry snooker and pool hall. We offer special discount prices and ongoing pool and snooker competitions. Coaching is also available
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facebook.comGreat wee day in Cue Club yesterday at the tournament for Barney Preece! Thanks to everyone that came down and congratulations to Terry Mc Nally who was the best man on the day! Special thanks to Rony O’Rielly for organising the event you done a great job! And not forgetting your helpers! 😊
We are business as usual folks! Till the snow clears it’s ONLY £5 for an hour and a half snooker/pool! Escape the boredom!
So folks regarding the Barney Preece tournament on the 11th of March. Just to make the playing rules clear. Its no doubt the tournament will attract players from all over the country some will be professionals, some will play black ball, some will play Newry Rules and some will be novices. As stated all players must be there at 1.30 to pay the £20 entry fee and pick their number for the draw. Numbers will be selected out of a hat at random. If a black ball player is drawn against a black player then they can play black ball rules. If they are drawn against a Newry League player then the Newry League player has preference of what rules to play. If they are drawn against a novice then both players will be required to play Newry League rules. This is to ensure the competition runs as smoothly an efficiently as possible to suit all competitor's. Thanks
So folks thats it finalised. Can we all do our best to make this a great day for Barney Preece. He's deserves it. Do your best to share and tag all those who might be interested. The more people that turn up the bigger the cash prize. I have some good raffle prizes there too and if anyone is willing to donate more prizes for the raffle id be grateful. This competition is a fundraiser for Barney's children and is a great opportunity for some bragging rights between competitor's. The competition will commence at 2pm. Its vital all competitor's are there for 1.30 to start a draw. Hope to see everyone there. Rules to be decided on the day. May the best man/woman win
For sale is this Reilly 12’ snooker table. The table has carved solid mahogany legs & frame with mahogany cushions fitted with northern rubber. The table has an Italian slate for a true playing surface. Get this great snooker table for a fraction of the normal price. Reason for sale, we recently replaced 2 snooker tables with pool tables to accommodate a growing demand for pool in our town.
The Cue Club would like to express its deepest sympathy to the Preece family on the sad passing of Barney Preece. Rest in peace
All ready for another busy day ahead
My son Niall before the break off in the #cueclub Newry with Jimmy White.

Niall cueing off against Jimmy White last night. Great night #snookers #jimmywhite #cueclub #greetnight #147isnotjustanumber #147

Just over a week away and I'm all excited. Jimmy White gets the chance to play my son Niall. #snooker #snookers #147isnotjustanumber

Picking up right back where I left off! Good to. Finally play again after over 4 years! #stillshite #snooker #iurcinntra #triphome

Ronnie O Sullivion eat ur heart out

Primark's worst 🎱
