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GiddyAunt - Mobile Pet Care Services

Blaydon, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Pet Service



Pet care brought to your door: Cat Sitting, small pet sitting, Dog Walking, Microchipping -dogs, cats, Nail Trimming - Dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs

Hello my name is Helen McCann. I qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 1996 and I worked in this field for 15 years.

I offer:

A mobile pet sitting service providing home visits to pamper you are pets (cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, exotics, hens) while your on holiday or away (covering Winlaton/Blaydon/Rowlands Gill and surrounding areas)

A dog walking service in Winlaton/Blaydon/Rowlands Gill and surrounding areas.

A mobile microchip implanting service (dogs and cats) in Gateshead and nearby surrounding areas.

If you have any questions about these services please do not hesitate to ask. For further details please contact me via fb,
email : or
mobile: 07500778395.

See website or contact me for prices.



Alfie was a bit work shy during our game of snuffle for treats today 😆#tooposhtosnuffle

Contrary to popular belief, giving your dog a good workout (eg. playing fetch) in the morning before leaving for work isn't the best idea. Their adrenaline levels will be so high (and remain high for a good while) they'll be ready for more action rather than ready for a good long snooze - not a desirable state of affairs for a dog who is going to be left to their own devices for a while. A better idea is to let your dog walk at their own pace and have a good sniff about along the way to give them a calmer, 'feel good', body and brain workout so that they're ready to spend their time jus' chillin' while you're away from home.

I’m a tad biased but.....oh my Giddy girl! 😍🐾

Who’s daft idea was this? Not Meg’s! .......and yes, I did get wet feet 🤣🐾

No Boston’s were harmed in the making of this photo, although we did then make a hasty retreat!! 😍😍

Respect the lead ❤️ Not every dog is a social butterfly (mentioning no names...........Giddy girl 😍)

The YES game 😁🐾

Hi all. Please head over to a new fb page of mine to find out about a new service I am now offering. Oh.... and give it a like...... thank you 😁

This little love bug had his two big brothers looking out for him while his family were away.....and yes, is as adorable as he looks 😍😍😍

Tiny had a poorly foot and needed medication every visit so I wasn’t her favourite human - can you tell? Pip the rattie’s cuddles made up for Tiny’s lack of enthusiasm for me 🐾🐀❤️🐾

My kind of guilt involved......ever 😀

This gorgeous trio have kept me entertained. Pip, Smudge and Pudding 😍🐾


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