Retro Knits
Quality hand knits and homemade gifts
Commissions taken for the vintage, classic & quirky.
Babies, children and adult clothing
knitted from original and reproduction patters.
Baby blankets £5, baby and toddler socks 2 pairs for £5, baby and children's cardigans £5-£9. Baby and children's hats £5-£7. All hand knitted by textiles teacher and enthusiast Pam Hoh, in Colchester. Send us an email to buy, find out more or commission something
More pictures and products coming soon!
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facebook.comHello everyone! We're back. So I'm Becky Hoh-Hale who runs this page for my mum and chief knitter Pam Hoh. My lovely mum actually wanted to set this up to help with the IVF fund for me and my husband as we had been trying for a baby, following an early miscarriage, for two and a half years. But lo and behold, five days after setting it up, on 26th November 2016 I found out I was pregnant naturally! What followed were the most wonderful six months of happiness which we will treasure as a family forever. But devastatingly our much loved and much longed for little girl Xian Hui Hale, died at 23 weeks and 4 days into the pregnancy and was born at 24 weeks on 13th April 2017. So it has understandedly taken this long for me to feel I can spend any decent amount of time on facebook, what with me being in my 30s, it is basically a constant stream of pregnancy announcements, birth announcements, pictures of babies and siblings together etc. But unfortunately, it's looking like we might need some help again because...well, I guess life is not kind, no pregnancy announcements over here. So Retro Knits is being resurrected! For you darling Xian Hui, Nanny will knit like the wind! Please see the latest creation - Bella's school cardigan in motion, rushing to get to school on time! Let us know if you'd like to commission something. Each piece guaranteed to be knitted with the upmost love for our lost daughter, little sister, niece and granddaughter.
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Bolero ballet style knitted jacket with ribbon in your chosen colour for wool and ribbon. Cute for flower girls! From £9 for new born..
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Rowan Pattern Nordic 70s style style knitted dress. From £13. Choose your colours.
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Skull and Crossbone Jumper. £10-£14 age from newborn to age 10. Or ask for pricing for oversized knits for grungey adults ;)
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Stegosaurus jumper! You can chose the colour :) £10-14 from newborn to age 10. Or let us know if you want an adult one ;)
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*customer photo! 😍 mega babe sisters Lily and Elsie Bird in the Birdy jumper, one taken in 2012 and one in 2016 😍😍 Birdy jumper £6-10 depending on size. message for details or to order!
Retro Knits's cover photo
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Retro Knits