Lexden Lodge Kindergarten Colchester
LEXDEN LODGE KINDERGARTEN is conveniently situated in Lexden Road . The Lexden Road is an ideal central main road located only minutes away from the town centre. Hence provides an easy access to parents who are working in the local central business distri
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facebook.comWe are looking forward to the celebration Birthday Tea for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on Thursday. Not at Buckingham Palace, sadly, but in the nursery garden. Pictures to follow .
Photos from Lexden Lodge Kindergarten Colchester's post
What fun all the children had last week participating in Sports Relief. Here are some lovely pictures of the Puffin's enjoying their "Welly Wanging". As you can see it was extremely exciting to see who could throw their boots into the designated target, cheered on by their friends. Other peers helped to count and keep the scores after they had finished their turn. Swans joined in with running races and a mini assault course. Some of the little ones needing a little support from staff, but all of the children really enjoyed this sponsored event as reflected in pictures below. Many thanks to all parents for their generous contributions we are in the process of collecting all the money raised and will let you know our total soon.
Photos from Lexden Lodge Kindergarten Colchester's post
Recently the children took part in the Crackerjacks Children's Trust special day, dressing up as Princesses or Pirates, and the staff joined in too. Thank you to all the parents who donated on their children's behalf; the total sum will be sent off shortly, and we know will be very much appreciated by the trust, enabling them to help more children with multiple disabilities.
Photos from Lexden Lodge Kindergarten Colchester's post
A very big THANK YOU to everyone in the run up to Christmas, who gave generous monetary donations, raffle prizes, or bought tickets to help towards our fund raising on behalf of the NSPCC. Today we were able to hand over to their representative, a cheque for £670.75, as the sum total of the funds gathered in the Christmas party and Raffle, and the concerts in Puffins too! Well done to everyone for having fun while supporting us. [Please watch the local press for our write up.]