We at One World Creation endeavor to bring high quality hand crafted fair trade products, at fair prices, insuring everybody gets a fair deal. At One World Creation, our aim is simple! To sell high quality fair trade products at a fair price. This way everyone gets a fair deal.
We sell a wide variety of clothing and accessories for both Men and Woman. including Jackets, Bags, Gloves, Hats, Shawls, T shirts, Ponchos, dresses. we also have a small range of Children’s wear which is growing fast . Look out for us at music festivals, craft fairs, Christmas fairs and many other local markets. All upcoming events will be posted on our blog page.
Our stock is constantly been updated with new products every week so Please browse through our online Catalogue on a regular basis.
Every product we sell is handmade and has been produced according to Fair Trade principles including transparency in business practices, fair wages for the producers, equal employment opportunities, safe working environments.
About Us.
One World creation is a family business started by Trish and Paul, we are based in County Wicklow Ireland.
After working in the rag trade for 20 + years We decided to take the plunge and start our own business, We have always loved and supported the fair trade ethos, so it was the obvious move for us to create a business based on fairness.
So in the summer of 2013 We along with our 10 yr old son Jack hit the highways and byways of Ireland selling our wares and meeting lots of like minded people at many music festivals, Art and craft shows and Village Fairs. The reaction we got was fantastic! With the winter looming, and back to school for Jack, we knew our next move was to hit cyberspace.
We hope to see you at many Festivals in 2014.
Pop in for a browse and a friendly chat.
Tell your friends
facebook.comOne World Creations would like to take this opportunity to wish all our costumers and friends seasonal greetings. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2018 Peace and Love. OWC Team
One World Creations will be bringing lots of colourful warmth to Greystones Christmas Market This weekend. Pop in for a chat and a browse.
Don't forget your Electric Picnics this weekend, :D
One World Creation
One World Creation's cover photo
Photos from One World Creation's post
One World Creations will be will be bringing lots of colour and warmth to cathedral Square Waterford again for this years Winterval, every day up to and including Dec 23rd. We will also be at the wonderful Killruddery House this Saturday and Sunday. We will have lots of our usual cosy Hats, Shawls and Mittens, A huge range of Mexican Bajas with some new vibrant colours. Pop in for a browse and a chin-wag.
Winterval Waterford
One World Creations will be making a return visit to Waterford #Winterval every weekend up to December 23rd. We will be in our usual location (Cathedral Square) With lots of colourful and warm woollies to keep you all snug and festive. Be sure to pop in for a chat and a browse... OWC
Timeline Photos
Have you all got your knapsacks packed for the Electric Picnic? One World Creation will be in The Small Crafts Area again this year be sure to pop in for a browse and a bit of banter, You never know, You just might bump into Lonny :D :D
Timeline Photos
Next Up!!