Kerry Speech and Language Therapy Clinic
Experienced speech and language therapists providing quality, professional therapy services to children and adults. Phone 0861564494 or 0873804673. Kerry Speech and Language Therapy Clinic provides quality, professional, evidence based speech and language therapy services to both children and adults with a variety of communication and feeding, eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
The clinic was founded in 2008 by Dominika Lisiecka, a Senior SLT with over 12 years clinical experience working with both paediatric and adults client groups. Dominika was joined by Marian Hogan, Senior SLT, in June 2014 as the clinic expanded to cater for increased demand for private speech and language therapy at the clinic. Marian has over 5 years clinical experience and has worked with both paediatric and adult client groups.
The clinic is based in Tralee, Co. Kerry and provides consultations, assessment and intervention for all speech, language and feeding difficulties. Therapy through Polish is also available with Dominika.
The clinic has established links with a variety of experienced professionals including psychologists and physiotherapists who are available for consultations as required.
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facebook.comEasy and inexpensive to make a sensory table for kids :)
Happy Easter 🐣 🐇 everyone :)
Have a great weekend everyone 🍀🍀🍀
This amazing man was an inspiration for many people affected by ALS/MND and progressive illnesses. His work will continue... RIP
Managing anxiety in autism - this course is also in Cork.
This course may be of interest to our Clients from Limerick. Anxiety and Autism - course for Parents.
Great place to work!
Disco for people with dementia? Sounds great, lets the music begin 💃
Tips on raising a child with disability
Is any of our followers a talented illustrator? Please share! This is a great initiative. Time to expand our Irish Lámh Sign language!
Happy New Year to all our Clients and their Families! Hope 2018 will bring lots of progress and satisfaction 🍀🍀🍀 From all in Kerry SLT Clinic 💚
Happy Christmas to all our clients from Kerry SLT Clinic! Have a relaxing and joyful time! 🌲🌲🌲