The fun way to help tone and shape your arms, abs and shoulders! This devilishly addictive device is easy to pick up but impossible to put down. Exciting and effective, all new Powerspin® is the fun way to help tone and shape your arms, abs and shoulders!
This devilishly addictive device is easy to pick up but impossible to put down. Exercising for just minutes daily with your Powerspin® will help you achieve arms and abs to be proud of, allowing you to focus on your arms, abs, shoulders, back, biceps and of course your triceps - banish those bingo-wings forever!
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facebook.comOriginal Powerspin 9 minute video (1.1gb)
Right, pick up your Powerspin, take a couple of minutes to warm up and then prepare yourself for this, our most intense Powerspin workout yet - 9 minutes non-stop - are you ready? https://player.vimeo.com/video/159835914?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0