Fitness Classes in Thurles and Templemore. The C.M.C Project was created to encourage people to literally “Clear your mind of can’t”. How many times have we told ourselves we CAN’T do something thus convincing ourselves we CAN’T! We have already given up before we begin. Here at The C.M.C Project our mantra is YOU CAN. We believe “If you say it you can do it”.
This project was designed to help people get fit and stay fit but have lots of fun along the way through high intensity interval workouts with a splash of flavor. Specialising in Piloxing and Fight Klub training we wanted to bring something different to our community. We aim to change your mentality against working out, and rather than finding excuses not to go to a class or a gym we will give you every excuse to come to our classes. No matter your gender, age or fitness level our classes are for you.
Whatever walk of life has led you here you are welcome. Become part of a community that knows how you feel, appreciates how hard every day is when you are battling with demons but still perseveres.
Everyone can achieve whatever they set their minds to but sometimes we just need a bit of help and focus. Rest assured together we will “Clear your mind of can’t”.
Come join the fun. What’s your can’t?
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