The Hawthorn Clinic offers professional consultation and treatments in herbal medicine, Iris analysis, nutrition and reflexology. As a master herbalist I aim to provide a warm, safe place for you to reconnect to your body and to experience, with the help of herbs, the innate power within you to Self Heal .
My goal is to provide opportunity for health, clarity ,renewed energy and replacing unhealthy patterns
with positive change .
The benefits of Herbal Medicine are as individual as the patients I serve .
Our therapeutic relationship starts with the recognition that you are unique with particular issues and desired outcomes.
Modern life can challenges us from time to time, compromising our energy and health. Mother Nature with her food ,plants and herbs provides a constant supply and opportunity for healing .In my practise as a herbalist,I am passionate about reconnecting people with Mother earth and experience her unconditional love and healing .
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facebook.comI had a wonderful morning at Stakelums Office Supplies Tipp Fm Christmas breakfast show, where I offered a healthy breakfast option for mum's, dad's and children. My green smoothie with banana, avacodo, apple juice, spinach and spirulina was enjoyed by the children while mum's and dad's munched on my granola and berry compote. All enjoyed to the beautiful sound of children singing Christmas carols 🎼
Thanks to Tommy and the team at Energy: Pure Health and Fitness for a great morning ! Enjoy the smoothie making and stay healthy 🥑 Energy: Pure Health and Fitness
Delighted to be given the opportunity by Crossfit Thurles to share my experience of the benefits of herbs for the athlete. Love to see you on Sunday , Recipes and food sampling on offer😊
Enjoyed the lovely Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk followed by a delicious Happy Pear Lunch.. and look who I bumped into 😊
Hello everyone ! My next Back to Source Food Demonstration date is Saturday 6th May at the usual time of 10am to 1pm, followed by lunch where you can share good food, company, ideas and inspiration. The focus of my spring/summer demo days will be on the therapeutic management of digestive problems. The gut is probably the most exciting subject in health right now. We’re seeing so many breakthroughs in our understanding of how the gut works, why it’s important and what it means for the future of medicine. The evidence is there that good gut health has an impact on your digestion, your day to day comfort and energy levels, your immunity, mental wellbeing and your chronic disease risk .If you are one of the one in four people who struggles with a digestive issues you can benefit by taking charge of your food choices, learning new skills and recipes which will sent you on your journey of a healthier, happier and naturally slim you. These next demonstration days will address practical ways to ease gas and bloating, regulate gut mobility, manage the good bacteria and stimulate the digestive process. Venue is the Hawthorn Clinic. Cost 30 euro. Printed information provided. Please phone, text or email to confirm your booking. Minimum places available. If you have any further questions about the day do not hesitate to contact me.
Hello Everyone. The snowdrops have come and gone. The Daffodils are about to display their full blooms. So yes, it is time to shake off the feeling of hibernation and to become awake and aware of our bodies. Now is a good time to get Nutritionally Fit, so we can enjoy this brighter more energetic time of year and we can do this by giving our bodies what it needs nutritionally to feel alive and full of energy. As an Herbalist, I always take my Q’s from Mother Nature. On my walk this morning in glorious sunshine I spotted some young Nettles peeping through the hedgerow…. A perfect reminder of the benefit of a gentle cleanse to spring clean the system. Nettles have many nutritional and medicinal qualities. The young tops are delicious and nutritious, a natural vitamin and mineral supplement. However it is for its role as an Alterative Herb that the Herbalist will recommend consuming the humble yet prickly Nettle during the coming weeks. Nettle reigns supreme as one of the best alterative with the ability to cleanse, tone and nourish the blood and lymph, providing a gentle, holistic yet deep body cleanse… the perfect example of Mother Nature providing exactly what we need and when we need it! Today to celebrate my spring cleanse I made my favourite food Pesto ….Nettle Pesto. Slightly steamed nettle tops (save the water and drink as a tea), garlic, almonds, lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt. Blend together and tuck in. I am excited and so looking forward to sharing the 2017 Back to Source Food Demonstrations at the Hawthorn Clinic ….. Dates will be posted shortly … If you are a group of colleagues, friends or simply a group with a shared interest in health and wellbeing, I would be happy to design a workshop with your specific needs in mind. Please contact me by email or phone with your suggestion. I would be delighted to hear from you.
Photos from The Hawthorn Herbal Clinic's post
Many thanks to all of you who attended my Vegetarian Christmas Demo night last Wednesday evening, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I hope you're all busy making food shopping lists to try out some of the suggestions I shared with you. If there are any questions re ingredients or dishes cooked, please do not hesitate in contacting me by phone or email. Love and Light
Autumn/Winter, Back to Source Demonstration Days Nearly every culture turns to soup to heal, nourish, and soothe. Whether you're battling a bad cold or a stomach flu, the food that can always comfort and nourish is soup. Soups are warm and easy to digest .They are an excellent way to get nutrients, while providing the comfort we need during our cold, dark months of winter. Join me on Saturday 22nd Oct, 10-12noon, at the Hawthorn Clinic, where you can discover how to use soups to provide health and nourishment. Other upcoming days include: • One Pot Wonders. Saturday 29th October 10-12noon and Wednesday 2nd November 5-7pm. • Vegetarian Christmas. Saturday 12th November 10-12noon and Wednesday 23rd November 5-7pm • Sweet treats at Christmas. Wednesday 14th December 5-7pm Cost 25 euro per day Please confirm your place by text or email. Limited places available.
Taster Demo day : A one day vegetarian meal plan. Saturday 27th 10am - 12 noon At the Hawthorn Clinic. This Demonstration includes a nourishing option for Breakfast , Lunch , Evening meal and Snacks to inspire you to move forward towards healthier food choices. Please phone or email to confirm as places are limited.