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28A, Bow Lane West - Dublin 8, Dublin, Ireland
Religious Organization



Selah Church Dublin, Evangelism, Missions, Christ for the nations, Arts, intercambio cristao. The Selah Generation group, was born in the Lord's heart. We are a group of students from all parts of Brazil, which has the same purpose of serving the Lord and proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through the arts. We believe that we can use them as tools to achieve lives.

The group initiated in 2014 in Selah Church in his old address in dominic street - Dublin 1 and had as leadership Tony Macedo. Now the ministry follows the front of the leadership of Pollyanna Fernandes, who along with the group has taken the gospel of Christ to all nations.

The verse that God spoke to the heart of Pollyanna and has been the center of our ministry is:

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, That You may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2: 9

O Selah Generation group, nasceu no coracao do Senhor. Nos somos um grupo de estudantes de toda parte do brasil, que tem o mesmo proposito de servir ao Senhor e proclamar o evangelho da Salvacao atraves das artes. Acreditamos que podemos usar-las como ferramentas para alcancar vidas.

O grupo deu inicio em 2014, na Igreja do Selah em seu velho endereco na dominic street - Dublin 1 e tinha como lideranca o Tony Macedo. Agora o ministerio segue a frente na lideranca da Pollyana Fernandes, que juntamente com o grupo tem levado o evangelho de Cristo por todas as nacoes.

O versiculo que Deus falou ao coracao da Pollyana e tem sido o centro do nosso ministerio e:

Mas vòs sois a geração eleita, o sacerdòcio real, a nação santa, o povo adquirido, para que anuncieis as virtudes daquele que vos chamou das trevas para a sua maravilhosa luz;
1 Pedro 2:9


“Ora, aquele que dá a semente ao que semeia, também vos dê pão para comer, e multiplique a vossa sementeira, e aumente os frutos da vossa justiça; Para que em tudo enriqueçais para toda a beneficência, a qual faz que por nós se dêem graças a Deus. Porque a administração deste serviço, não só supre as necessidades dos santos, mas também é abundante em muitas graças, que se dão a Deus” 2 Co 9:10-12 🙌🏻♥️🇬🇭 “And he who gives seed for putting into the field and bread for food, will take care of the growth of your seed, at the same time increasing the fruits of your righteousness; Your wealth being increased in everything, with a simple mind, causing praise to God through us. For this work of giving not only takes care of the needs of the saints, but is the cause of much praise to God;” 2 Co 9:10-12 #praisegod #thankgod 🙌🏻♥️🇬🇭

"Quem recebe uma destas crianças em meu nome, está me recebendo” Mateus 18:5 “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” Mattew 18:5 MISSAO SENEGAL - Àfrica

Here we are in Senegal🇬🇭 Glory to God🙌🏻

Pray for us🙏🏻 We are going to Senegal in order to take God’s love to that nation🇬🇭 Orem por nós! Estamos indo ao Senegal para levar o amor de Deus à essa naçao.

Jesus is the Savior of the world♥️

Wonderful time in Belfast🙌🏻♥️ #evangelism

Blessed time in Temple bar 🙏🏻🙌🏻

Sharing the gospel in Galway🙌🏻 Amazing time♥️

"We are a chose generation called forth to show His excelence. All I require for life, God has given me and I know who I am.." 🙌🏻🎶



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