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Holiday Inn Golden Mile

50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong



Holiday Inn Golden Mile  金域假日酒店 Nestled in the very heart of Kowloon’s bustling city centre, Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong is renowned for its shopping arcades, boutiques, restaurants and vibrant nightlife.




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龍苑中菜廳嘅彬師傅最擅長制作傳統菜式。好似枝竹火腩紅炆龍躉翅煲,彬師傅每日只訂兩條10至12斤嘅龍躉,每日限定供應4份,想食就要打去2315 1006預訂喇。 Chef Bun is dedicated to creating traditional dishes such as Braised Giant Garoupa’s Fin with Pork Belly and Bean curd. Chef Bun orders only 2 giant garoupas (6-7kg) every day. Call us at 2315 1006 for reservations now.

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你知道嗎?香港金域假日酒店於6月8日開業,我地亦擁有621間舒適的房間。好高興於2016年6月6日呢一日同大家分享酒店有關於「6」的資料! Do you know that Holiday Inn Golden Mile established on 8 June and we also have a total number of 621 guest rooms? We are extremely excited to share our number #6 fun fact on today 6 June 2016. What a lucky number!

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【回到老香港】 多謝大家踴躍參加,第二輪活動喺琴晚凌晨12點已經截左止啦!我地將送出「海洋公園免費入場券兩張」並有專人回覆得獎者。 你希望在香港金域假日酒店的龍苑中菜廳與Bistro享用老香港懷舊美食之餘,還可獲得兩張海洋公園免費入場券嗎?還有第三次機會! 參加辦法: 1. 讚好香港金域假日酒店Facebook及Instagram專頁 2. 在這個post上載一張你於龍苑中菜廳與Bistro享用老香港懷舊美食相片,在相片標題加上 #oldhongkong 並標記 @Holiday Inn Golden Mile 條款及細則: 【Old Hong Kong】 Thank you to everyone who is participating in this game! The second game ended at 12am yesterday. We will be in touch with the winner shortly who will receive two tickets to Ocean Park. You now have a third chance to win two tickets to Ocean Park when you enjoy Old Hong Kong dishes at Loong Yuen and Bistro on the Mile. HOW TO ENTER 1. Like Holiday Inn Golden Mile Facebook page and Instagram account. 2. Share a dining picture at Loong Yuen or Bistro on the Mile in this post with hashtag #oldhongkong and tag @Holiday Inn Golden Mile. Terms and conditions please visit

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Photos from Holiday Inn Golden Mile's post

我們的婚宴博覽展位將於6月3至5日喺香港會議展覽中心婚宴博覽與各準新人見面。我地擁有豐富經驗嘅統籌團隊更預備咗多項優惠,各位準新人萬勿錯過!我地嘅展位號碼為T25 - T27,期待您們的光臨 We will be exhibiting at the #weddingexpo at HKCEC this 3-5 June. Come and visit us at our booth T25 - T27 this weekend to get special packages for your special day!

Photos from Holiday Inn Golden Mile's post

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我地嘅歡樂時光為下午5時至8時,賓客可以「買一送一」優惠於夏利吧品嚐指定杯裝紅白餐酒、啤酒和雞尾酒。Cheers! Our #happyhour starts from 5-8pm today! You can enjoy buy one get one free promotion on selected red wine, white wine, beer and cocktail at Hari's bar. Cheers!

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Photos from Holiday Inn Golden Mile's post

我們很高興榮獲 2015年度的Outstanding Hotel Partner Award。這是我們繼續進步的動力,多謝你們一直的鼎力支持! We are thrilled to receive the 2015 Outstanding Hotel Partner Award from This is our motivation to keep improving our services. Thanks to all our guests for your great support!

Photos from Holiday Inn Golden Mile's post

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#端午節 就快到喇!快把握機會喺6月9日前選購各款龍苑 #端午糭 齊賀佳節!請致電 2315 1006 查詢或訂購。 Don't forget to order your #ricedumpling for the upcoming #dragonboatfestival. You can order Loong Yuen's signature Glutinous Rice Dumplings until 9 June. Order now 2315 1006.

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琵琶鴨、金錢鷄、芝麻卷……你對上一次食哩D懷舊菜式係幾時?由5月1日至7月31日,Bistro on the Mile特別呈獻「老香港傳統美食」,讓您留住味覺回憶。要品嚐港式傳統美食,沉浸在濃濃的懷舊風情中,立即致電2315 1118預訂座位。 Roasted pork meat and chicken liver, pipa roast duck, sweet egg twists…When did you last eat these? From 1 May to 31 July, Bistro on the Mile is going back in time with a packed menu of traditional treats from Old Hong Kong. Call 2315 1118 to reserve.

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呢個週末,不妨嚟試下由我地嘅調酒師Shirley特別設計嘅Summer Blizzard,配合不同特性的材料及調酒秘方調配而成。 Ease your way into the #weekend with this beautiful #cocktail Summer Blizzard crafted by our #mixologist Shirley.

呢個週末,不妨嚟試下由我地嘅調酒師Shirley特別設計嘅Summer Blizzard,配合不同特性的材料及調酒秘方調配而成。
Ease your way into the #weekend with this beautiful #cocktail Summer Blizzard crafted by our #mixologist Shirley.

Paolo祝你有個 ‘Perfetto’ 的星期三。 Greeting from Chef Paolo. We wish you a #happywednesday!

Paolo祝你有個 ‘Perfetto’ 的星期三。
Greeting from Chef Paolo. We wish you a #happywednesday!

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【回到老香港】 多謝大家踴躍參加,活動喺琴晚凌晨12點已經截左止啦!我地將送出「海洋公園免費入場券兩張」。我們將有專人回覆得獎者。 若你上次錯失了機會,仍有第二次機會;只要在香港金域假日酒店的龍苑中菜廳與Bistro享用老香港懷舊美食,便有機會獲得兩張海洋公園免費入場券。 參加辦法: 1. 讚好香港金域假日酒店Facebook及Instagram專頁 2. 上載一張你於龍苑中菜廳與Bistro享用老香港懷舊美食相片至Facebook或Instagram,在相片標題加上 #oldhongkong 並標記 @Holiday Inn Golden Mile 條款及細則: 【Old Hong Kong】 Thank you all for participated the game! The first game has end at 12am yesterday. The winner will be drawn to receive two tickets to Ocean Park. We will be in touch with the winner shortly. If you missed the first chance, this is your second opportunity to win two tickets to Ocean Park while indulging in Old Hong Kong dishes at Loong Yuen and Bistro on the Mile. HOW TO ENTER 1. Like Holiday Inn Golden Mile Facebook page and Instagram account. 2. Share a dining picture at Loong Yuen or Bistro on the Mile. Post it on Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #oldhongkong and tag @Holiday Inn Golden Mile. Terms and conditions please visit

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我地嘅意藉主廚Paolo早前同美國電視烹飪節目健康煮食名廚Daniel Green喺金域假日酒店會面,到底佢地對於烹飪靈感有咩睇法?一齊嚟睇片啦: Our talented Chef Paolo met with Celebrity Chef Daniel Green at Holiday Inn Golden Mile . What kind of inspiration did they spark off? Watch full version here:

我地嘅意藉主廚Paolo早前同美國電視烹飪節目健康煮食名廚Daniel Green喺金域假日酒店會面,到底佢地對於烹飪靈感有咩睇法?一齊嚟睇片啦:
Our talented Chef Paolo met with Celebrity Chef Daniel Green at Holiday Inn Golden Mile . What kind of inspiration did they spark off? Watch full version here:


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