El Cid Spanish Restaurant TST 西班牙餐廳 尖沙咀
The First Spanish Restaurants in Hong Kong 香港第一間西班牙餐廳 Opened in 1992, El Cid Spanish Restaurant has become one of the first Spanish restaurants to serve traditional and authentic dishes in Hong Kong. It is a nice place to relax and enjoy after a busy working day. You can find exclusive Spanish cuisine and also a comfortable ambience. The live band is exceptionally pleasing and entertaining, warming the restaurant with passionate Spanish culture.
「El Cid」是西班牙佳餚的象徵,你可在這裡找到正宗西班牙佳餚。自1992年於尖沙咀開業至今,擁有20多年歷史,餐廳用料新鮮,服務細心,一碟又一碟的Tapas小食,無論賣相、味道,都屬於傳統的西班牙口味。El Cid在菜色的創新上也下了不少功夫,加上大部份菜色都以橄欖油烹調,符合現代人講求健康的原則。
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