We love coffee! We love food! We love to share!
「發現.美好」 日本零食.雜貨網購店
Interior Design , Project Management , Supply Furnitures Reinstatement. 室內設計 工程管理 傢具生產
本公司主要業務為 由全車貼膜轉色至車身簡色/拉花 及汽車燈膜或內飾件轉色 我們主要選用 美國3M,法國HEXIS,德國ORACAL..等等 本公司宗旨 只要能力內做到。一定用心為大家服務
專業音樂學院教育 成就非凡藝術天才 Professional Music Education For The Talented
本公司專營越南食品零售、批發。 歡迎電話或inbox訂購,於本專頁的「產品目錄」揀選心水貨物,INBOX我地報價,消費滿$600元九龍及新界,或滿$800港島,可獲免費送貨。 本公司會於港九
承辦各大型戶外廣告, 商場廣告, 室內展覽, 展覽攤位, 燈箱廣告, 車身貼 Outdoor/ Indoor advertising, Exhibition, Booth, Light box, Car wrap
Sharmon Productions is an entertainment company based in Hong Kong.
An approved charity (S 88 IRO) for promoting band sound culture n arts 註冊非牟利慈善團體 - 宗旨為推廣樂隊文化及藝術
馬來西亞樹上熟貓山王 自設廠房,100%香港制造。
嚟沙田有咩好搞 踩單車踩到厭?行商場又多人又迫? 不如上黎ElevenBall開Party啦! 全新沙田好去處! 成班朋友上黎玩一大餐,仲有獨一無二既波波池! 令你重拾童年樂趣!
本公司經營超過25年, 深受客人擁戴。 採用法國、瑞士高級護膚品牌,使用一次性無菌即棄用具,環境舒適衞生,保證令每位貴賓稱心滿意。
有機小商店 Organic Bliss 搜羅優質有機食品及飲品 ,當中超過90%的產品獲得歐盟及法國認證。
KCF are expert in manufacturing lighters, smoking accessories and electronic cigarette products in Hong Hong and China since 1988
本公司專營韓國化妝及護膚品,在韓國設有公司直接從各知名廠家取貨 WHATSAPP : +85295213134(龍小姐)
Registered Yoga School 美國瑜伽聯盟註冊學校 Experienced Yoga Teacher Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider� 在瑜伽旅途中遇上美好的自己!為自己創造更積極及正面的人生!Let Yoga Heal U
We are trusted leading optical frames manufacturer with over 20 years of long-standing reputation. Our office is situated in Hong Kong and factory in China
Scott Hui, the founder of PowerUP Motion, has been working behind the scene in Hollywood movie industry in US. He continues his work in HK and concentrating on filming corporate videos, tv shows and music videos.
Living Aqua穩定供應優質活體豐年蝦,並提供各類魚缸支援服務。
專為私家車、大小型貨車,提供輪呔、汽車電池、呔鈴 、補呔、 電腦戥呔、出外救車、驗車 及 劏車服務等。 Provide tyres, battery, rim, wrecking & rescue service for private cars & trucks.
1st Vietnamese fanpage dedicated to Jackson Wang of GOT7 Jackson Wang (王嘉爾 - Wang Kayee - Wang Jia Yee): http://instagram.com/jacksonwang852g7
The Zara Talent Tour is coming to Hong Kong for 3 weeks to find people who share our love of fashion! We´re looking forward to meeting you! Join Fashion!
Latest fashion trends brought to you by Bop - A - Ztyle. Shop now and create your own unique style.
Silka Seaview Hotel Hong Kong is situated at the heart of Kowloon city in Hong Kong – Yau Ma Tei. Website: silkahotels.com/seaview
All year round Bob-a-Jobs