Established in Hong Kong in 1987, Plum Blossoms is home to museum quality ancient textiles and ground-breaking exhibitions of contemporary Asian art.
Hong Kong Yachting own the most sought-after yachts, cruisers and junks in Hong Kong.
我們主打婚紗、晚裝及姊妹裙訂造,讓你擁有專屬禮服; 亦有pre-wedding單件外租,使你不必受package局限。歡迎預約免費試身及查詢報價
Address : Shop B89a, 1/F, Kwai Chung Plaza, Kwai Fong
位於新蒲崗康強街的得龍大飯店超過 40 年歷史,以懷舊古法菜式馳名,師傅堅持採用新鮮材料的製作,因此吸引不了新舊顧客幫襯。
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