Rockababy Learning Center
5000呎的小朋友天堂. 有各類課程為孩子發掘才能及興趣.得獎導師,高質教材,活動教學,激發創意! Classes offered: Creativity and Music class/ languagae and presentation skills/ modern dance/ instruments assessment/ instruments classes/ music and art/ family bonding/ special needs etc.
REPUTABLE: We are award winning musicians, reputable artists, professional educators & child therapists /我們是獲獎無數的星級音樂人與藝術及文化界達人,資深教育家及於不同領域上的兒童治療學家
ORIGINAL: Curriculum, original music & dance moves are tailor-made based on children’s learning milestones/ 課程,原創音樂及舞蹈是跟據兒童的成長里程碑編製及度身訂造
CREATIVE: Creativity is stimulated through song composing, story making, guided free play and many more/ 我們與學生一起通過音樂,故事及多層面藝術創作,並引導他們於自由玩樂中,啓發兒童於不同領域上的無限思維與創意
KEEN: We are music enthusiast parents ourselves who wish to provide the best childhood experience to our children!/ 我們與你們一樣都是為人父母,希望給予孩子一個快樂的童年
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