X Game H.K.
X Game H.K. X Game has 3 shops in HK. (Chai Wan) 60 Wing Tai Rd. 23669293 (Causeway Bay) 2/F. 10 Pak Sha Rd. 28818960 (Tsimshatsui) 2/F. 57 Granville Rd. 22643088
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facebook.comSlater Design surfboards - for wakesurfing works well. Looking good!
Latest surf movie - PROXIMITY | The New Surf Documentary by Taylor Steele | Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kHGpta0UwA
成日見人踩板,有冇諗過自己買塊玩下? 心郁郁想買塊滑板玩?請即到X Game! 最齊既Globe滑板款式係晒呢度! 有多款Globe skateboard 任你選擇,由內置speaker 既板到夜光車轆都有,即刻買返塊型到爆既板啦! 想要滑板內置喇叭、夜光轆? Globe都有﹗板面全木製,磨沙面唔易跌親,仲有26" - 33" 俾你揀 , 岩晒初學既你﹗ Built in Speaker、夜光WHEELS、全木製板面同磨沙面都有!請即到銅鑼灣, 尖沙咀及柴灣分店選購。 專門店地址: 九龍尖沙咀加連威老道57號2樓Tel: 2264-3088 香港銅鑼灣白沙道10號2樓Tel: 2881-8960 香港柴灣永泰道60號柴灣工業城第一期12樓1201-2室Tel: 2366-9293... Website: http://www.xgamehk.com/shops.html
Inflatable SUP boards - simple, easy storage and easy to use. 今天為大家介紹 : 一個美國老牌NSP,近年也致力發展直立板(SUP),出名嚴選高品質品牌既X Game又怎會放過他們的產品;這次我們就引入一款可在家中易於收藏又攜帶方便既''充氣式直立板(SUP)''它的承重量可達200磅,是屬於入門到中級均可使用,當中包括槳,連氣泵,還有個背包式收納袋,全套有齊既玩價不用過萬,只需$7500元;歡迎到各X-Game門市查詢 2366-9293
Surfers news, the 2017 new Hypto Krypto V has new color "Blonde" FF with Carbon rail and 5 fins set up. Arriving Hong Kong in September all sizes. email ken@xgamehk.com for details.
Billabong Spring 2018 clothing - 20% Off now at X Game stores.
2017 Starboard windsurf boards on SALE starts today - 50% Off. Email ken@xgamehk.com for details.
Hong Kong wakesurfers like Phase 5 boards. Cheers...Wake Infinity!
Super strong surf label in California, all 2017 summer clothing now 20% off at X Game. (no discount for Vissla wetsuits)
New boards arrival - DVS "Wasp" from Oz, Retro Fish built with carbon tape epoxy construction, concave deck on tail area (no tail pad required) super light weight and great volume, would be a great board for HK! 新板介紹 DVS - WASP, RETRO FISH 澳洲品牌, 魚尾形狀配合四魚鰭FCS2系統. 它的板底前方到後方有一條單水管道至雙水管道, 從而增加表面面積, 令追浪速度更快. 它的板面尾部中央呈下陷, 你只雖要落WAX就好似擁有腳墊一樣. 它有一條碳纖維布由板面前方伸延至後方, 增加滑浪板的彈性, 允許尾部在壓力底下作小幅度扭曲, 非常独特 5'4 21" 2 3/4" 35.82L 5'6 21" 2 3/4" 37.25L 5'8 21" 2 3/4" 38.74L 6'0 21" 2 3/4" 41.72L 6'2 21" 2 3/4" 43.21L 6'4 21 1/2" 2 3/4" 45.76L 這個尺寸適合初學至專家, 歡迎大家前來XGAME查詢選購. 柴灣: 23669293 銅鑼灣: 28818960 尖沙咀: 22643088
Burton Kids snowboarding products 2018 range - Ready to launch at X Game stores in September. Exclusive kids collection in HK. Super cute!
Hurley clothing in Hong Kong - get'em at X Game shops - exclusive distributor.