HQ of CRW Airsoft
CRW was established since 2007, we sell guns, parts and tactical gears. We opened a retail shop in HK on May 2013.
We moved to a bigger shop at April 2015. CRW was established since 2007, we sell guns, parts and tactical gears. We opened a retail shop in HK on May 2013.
We love airsoft and we aim to provide the best online shopping experience for airsoft player around the world.
Tactical gear: SAS, SDU, Mayflower(USA).
Airsoft: Marui, Ares, WE, VFC, KJ, G&P, GHK, KWA, KSC, WA, Tanaka, KSC, JG, Dboy etc
Parts: CP(IPSC), Airsoft Surgeon, Shooter Design, Nova, PGC, Guarder etc
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facebook.comCRW介紹VFC SR25 GBB内部+歷史+冇獎問題遊戲
有冇人知我片尾造型係邊隊? 同乜型號乜handguard? Youtube補充: 1)此SR25賣點 槍身鍛造 2)鍛身所以marking可以偏黃 3)下身紅色是尼龍 可防上下搖動
好大回膛 Super strong blow back Youtube補充: 1)此SR25賣點 槍身鍛造 2)鍛身所以marking可以偏黃 3)下身紅色是尼龍 可防上下搖動
CRW 介紹Mafioso Kimber Stainless kit
Mafioso 現貨 Kimber stainess steel II
Photos from CRW's post
Mafioso Kimber Stainless arrived
Photos from CRW's post
Vfc SR25 gbb
Photos from CRW's post
Nine ball barrel VFC sr25 and steel kimber arrived
VFC SR25 gbb 今日到貨 Youtube將有一個攞彩問答遊戲 密切留意
CRW custom Shotgun
Timeline Photos
做人最緊要有夢想系列 膠凳呢個detail一絶 (個3個串燒c9個表情一x樣嫁) Somewhere in china, someone with a dream
CRW custom IPSC race gun
CRW web is updating the system, should be back tomorroa
CRW custom GHK mag on Viper tech Xm177
Strong kick Viper tech xm177 gbb