Love and Peace Baptist Chapel Services:
Time: 1:00 - 5:00PM every Sunday
Venue: 8/F, Chung Kiu Commercial Building, 47-51, Shan Tung Street, Mong Kok “We speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.
We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.”
“Glorifying God by making and multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ among all nations”
Faith ‧ Hope ‧ Love
Love and Peace Ministry is an organization created
through God’s grace by devoted followers of Christ,
who have faithfully acted upon God’s will to reach out to the lost.
We are followers of Christ but it does not mean that we convert people from one religion to another religion; our purpose is to glorify God the Creator by obeying His Greatest Commandments:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. And the second is this You shall love your neighbor as yourself”
It means love God and to Love all fellow human beings. The best way to express our true love towards God Al-Mighty and to our fellow human is to obey His Great Commission!
Therefore Our Mission is
“Glorifying God by making and multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ among all nations”
How the Love and Peace Ministry is fulfilling the Great Commission especially among the Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong:
• By moving our mission straight into the neighborhood
• By leading People to accept Christ as Savior and Lord and encouraging them to live as life-long followers of Jesus Christ
• By equipping new believers to witness and walk the Way of Christ in unity with other believers.
• By challenging, encouraging and equipping believers of Christ so that they would be able to respond to the calling of the Ministry in Hong Kong and in the rest of the globe.
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