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聖母聖衣堂 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

香港灣仔星街一號 No. 1 Star Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Religious Organization




Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is one of the Catholic churches in Hong Kong East Deanery, it is located at No. 1 Star Street, Wanchai. 主任司鐸:

中文 - 08:30, 10:00
英文 - 11:30, 18:00

中文 - 18:00

中文 - 07:30

Parish Priest:
Rev. John P Cuff

Sunday Masses:
Cantonese - 08:30, 10:00
English - 11:30, 18:00

Anticipated Sunday Mass:
Cantonese - 18:00

Daily Mass:
Cantonese - 07:30



香港天文台宣布預計會考慮在明日(8月27日)六時前改發八號烈風或暴風信號。 按教區牧民指引,八號風球生效至取消後兩小時的主日彌撒將會取消,信友應注意自身安全。 【颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告生效期間之牧民指引】 1. 當八號 (或以上) 颱風信號經已懸掛或黑色暴雨警告經已發出,信友應如一般市民,接受忠告,留在戶內,避免戶外活動,以策安全。 2. 在上述信號或警告生效期間,離家前往聖堂或彌撒中心會有危險。故此,在這些情況下,信友毋須參與主日彌撒,但為本身的神益,他們仍須履行另一些善工,例如在家中閱讀聖經 (主日彌撒選用的讀經較佳) 或念玫瑰經。 3. 在上述第1. 項提及的情況下,不論是主日或週日,聖堂及彌撒中心均應關閉,按常規舉行的彌撒亦應予取消。 4. 如信友罔顧上述第1. 及第2. 項指引而導致意外或損傷,教區當局及有關的司鐸將不負起任何責任。 5. 如八號 (或以上) 颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告,於主日或週日常規彌撒前兩小時或更早的時間除下,彌撒應如常舉行,惟於該等信號或警告除下後,司鐸毋須安排常規以外的彌撒。 The Hong Kong Observatory announces that it will consider issuing the Gale or Storm Signal No. 8 before 6 a.m. tomorrow (27/8). According to pastoral guidelines, scheduled masses will be cancelled when Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted until the signal is lowered after two hours. We kindly ask everyone to put your safety in top priority. PASTORAL GUIDELINES IN TIMES OF TYPHOONS AND RAINSTORMS 1. When the Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, the faithful, in accordance with the advice given to the general public, are to avoid outdoor activities and to stay indoors for their personal safety. 2. As travelling from their houses to churches or Mass centres might be hazardous when the above-mentioned signals are hoisted, the faithful are not obliged to attend Sunday Mass under these circumstances. However, for their own spiritual benefit, they are still required to perform some works of piety, such as meditating on some Scripture passages (preferably those chosen for the Sunday liturgy) or saying the Rosary at home. 3. Under the circumstances mentioned in No.1 above, churches and Mass centres are to be closed, and regularly scheduled Masses are to be cancelled. This applies to Sunday or weekdays. 4. The faithful who go against the advice given in Nos.1-2 above do so at their own risk. The diocesan authorities and the priests concerned shall not be responsible for any accidents or injuries which might occur. 5. If Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered two hours or more ahead of scheduled Sunday or weekday Masses, churches and Mass centres are to provide the usual eucharistic services. However, priests are not required to arrange for special/unscheduled Masses when these signals are lowered.

今晚(7月23日)6時彌撒將照常舉行。 6:00pm evening mass of today (23 Jul) will be held as usual. ====================================== 香港天文台宣布預計在今天(7月23日)上午9時20分或以前發出八號熱帶氣旋警告信號。按教區牧民指引,八號風球生效至取消後兩小時的主日彌撒將會取消。 颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告生效期間之牧民指引 1. 當八號 (或以上) 颱風信號經已懸掛或黑色暴雨警告經已發出,信友應如一般市民,接受忠告,留在戶內,避免戶外活動,以策安全。 2. 在上述信號或警告生效期間,離家前往聖堂或彌撒中心會有危險。故此,在這些情況下,信友毋須參與主日彌撒,但為本身的神益,他們仍須履行另一些善工,例如在家中閱讀聖經 (主日彌撒選用的讀經較佳) 或念玫瑰經。 3. 在上述第1. 項提及的情況下,不論是主日或週日,聖堂及彌撒中心均應關閉,按常規舉行的彌撒亦應予取消。 4. 如信友罔顧上述第1. 及第2. 項指引而導致意外或損傷,教區當局及有關的司鐸將不負起任何責任。 5. 如八號 (或以上) 颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告,於主日或週日常規彌撒前兩小時或更早的時間除下,彌撒應如常舉行,惟於該等信號或警告除下後,司鐸毋須安排常規以外的彌撒。 The Hong Kong Observatory announces that the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Number 8 is expected to be issued at or before 9:20 a.m. today (23 Jul 2017). According to pastoral guidelines, scheduled masses will be cancelled when Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted until the signal is lowered after two hours. PASTORAL GUIDELINES IN TIMES OF TYPHOONS AND RAINSTORMS 1. When the Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, the faithful, in accordance with the advice given to the general public, are to avoid outdoor activities and to stay indoors for their personal safety. 2. As travelling from their houses to churches or Mass centres might be hazardous when the above-mentioned signals are hoisted, the faithful are not obliged to attend Sunday Mass under these circumstances. However, for their own spiritual benefit, they are still required to perform some works of piety, such as meditating on some Scripture passages (preferably those chosen for the Sunday liturgy) or saying the Rosary at home. 3. Under the circumstances mentioned in No.1 above, churches and Mass centres are to be closed, and regularly scheduled Masses are to be cancelled. This applies to Sunday or weekdays. 4. The faithful who go against the advice given in Nos.1-2 above do so at their own risk. The diocesan authorities and the priests concerned shall not be responsible for any accidents or injuries which might occur. 5. If Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered two hours or more ahead of scheduled Sunday or weekday Masses, churches and Mass centres are to provide the usual eucharistic services. However, priests are not required to arrange for special/unscheduled Masses when these signals are lowered.

本堂今日慶祝主保瞻禮,由湯漢樞機主禮感恩祭並向青年施放堅振聖事。 We celebrated Parish Feast Day this evening. Sacrament of Confirmation was given by Cardinal John Tong to parish youths.

(以下為節錄部分,全文見以下網頁)香港教區主教公署-秘書長辦公處通告26-6-2017/ 【香港教區主教公署 秘書長辦公處通告】 [免任令] 茲奉湯漢樞機諭,公布免任令如下 本年九月一日起生效﹕ 郭積傑(J.P. Cuff)神父免任香港灣仔聖母聖衣堂區主任司鐸,並出任上述聖亞納堂區主任司鐸﹔ 羅國輝神父免任九龍新蒲崗善導之母堂區主任司鐸,並出任上述聖母聖衣堂區主任司鐸﹔ ------------------------------------------------------ For full version, please refer below website:香港教區主教公署-秘書長辦公處通告26-6-2017/ Cardinal John TONG has made the following appointments: Effective 1 September 2017 Rev. John P. CUFF, MM, ceases to be Parish Priest of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Wanchai, Hong Kong, and is to be appointed Parish Priest of the above-mentioned St. Anne’s Parish. Rev. Thomas LAW Kwok-fai ceases to be Parish Priest of Mother of Good Counsel Parish, San Po Kong, Kowloon, and is to be appointed Parish Priest of the above-mentioned Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish.

【近期活動回顧】 5/20/2017 中文主日學30周年慶祝會 6/4/2017 郭神父休假餞行會 6/4/2017 英文組領堅振 6/17/2017 中文主日學初領聖體 更多活動相片已上載到本堂網站: ---------------------------------------------------------- ## Recent Activity Photos ### 5/20/2017 Chinese Sunday School 30th Anniversary 6/4/2017 Party with Father Cuff 6/4/2017 English Group Confirmation 6/17/2017 Chinese Sunday School First Communion More photos available here:

2017 聖週照片已經上載到本堂網頁,歡迎大家重溫。 Photos of 2017 Holy Week have been uploaded to parish website.

我已復活了,仍同你在一起。亞肋路亞。你的手常庇蔭著我。亞肋路亞。你的智慧深奧無比。亞肋路亞。(詠139) I have risen, and I am with you still, alleluia. You have laid your hand upon me, alleluia. Too wonderful for me, this knowledge, alleluia, alleluia. (Psalms 139)

2017-04-09 聖枝遊行 Palm Sunday 音樂: 頌恩 466 西雍讚揚救主 performed by GsM Choir


NEAR 聖母聖衣堂 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church