The love of Christ gathers us to live in communion with all. As a community of women we are sent to serve those in need in simplicity and compassion. We are a Roman Catholic congregation of women religious responding to the call to help others. We strive to be in union with God and our neighbour, as did the first Sisters of St. Joseph.
The spirit that drives us was inspired by Jesus’ invitation: to love God and to love our neighbor, including the earth we live in. Our spirituality is one of relationship with God and others – a spirituality of communion. It is expressed through prayer and through service, to name just two expressions.
Through our witness and our ministries we strive to nurture community in places where people gather: parishes, drop-in centers, and our many welcoming spaces.
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Reflecting on Feb. 20, World Day of Social Justice -
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Ash Wednesday: On the Lenten Threshold. A reflection by Sister Grace Sauvé, CSJ -
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February 8: Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita:
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Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto Welcome Syrian Families -
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On January 15, 2016, members from Faith Alliance to End Human Trafficking met with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to discuss the need for a provincial action plan to combat the problem. Learn more at
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Faith Alliance to End Human Trafficking Chair Leah Watkiss was interviewed on the Context with Lorna Dueck website. Read it at
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January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (US):
Toronto's GIFT Box - Public Education on Human Trafficking
#sistersofsaintjoesph #sistersaredoingitforthemselves The striking new structure snakes along the edge of the Don Valley ravine at the juncture of Broadview Ave. and O’Connor Dr. It is a marvel of modernity, built to the highest standards of environmental sensitivity: solar panels, rain-collection barrels, geothermal heating and cooling, a green roof and even permeable pavers in the parking lot to reduce water runoff. Each unit has its own heat pump and temperature control, plus an expanse of windows that offer some of the city’s most stunning views but also open easily to let in nature’s sounds and smells and breezes. The four-storey building, designed by the esteemed architectural firm of Shim-Sutcliffe, is already being heralded as a significant contribution to Canadian architecture. What is gratifying is that the new residents of this building are not well-heeled professionals. They are 58 elderly and ailing nuns who have spent a lifetime caring for the poor, sick and...

#sistersofsaintjoesph DESIGNED BY THE FIRM SHIM-SUTCLIFFE TO ENHANCE THE ENVIRONMENT LITERALLY #nuns #gaynerds #gayarchitectnerds
