The Parish Priest is Rev. Archpriest Fr. Zareh Zargarian.
Biography: A Brief History of Our Church
Starting 1928, the Armenian community of Toronto has been organizing Sunday Masses, cultural events and heritage perseverance programs for members of the community. Over the years they had to move a number of times until by the generosity and determination of the community members and its leaders the current building was built in 1987 in Scarborough to satisfy the necessities of the old and new settlers in Toronto in terms of spiritual, cultural, humanitarian services and programs.
In the last 25 years, HTAC has become as vibrant as ever. Armenians from all over the world, residing in Toronto and locals from different backgrounds have been benefiting from our services provided by the Parish Priest, the Council and Committees working under the umbrella of Holy Trinity Armenian Church. Here are a summary of our services:
Humanitarian & Community
Armenian Family Support Services:
• Elder care issues
• Advocacy and legal
• Banking services
• Doctors on call
• Food services
• Health information
• Hospitals
• Library services
• Recreation and activity centres
• Transportation
• Social services organizations
• Volunteer services
• Financial planning
• Government offices
• Home support services
• Housing
• Long-term care facilities
• Snow removal for seniors
New Comer Settlement Services:
We help newcomers at different stages of their settlement by providing direct services or partnering with other agencies in skill training, language, employment, settlement, mentoring and other services as needed. Using a team approach within the principles of case management, we endeavor to achieve optimum value and desirable outcomes for the individual.
We offer one-one-one counseling for settlement information and guidance. Our regular Newcomer Gatherings allows new individuals and families in Canada to participate in a group, meet other newcomers, share in their difficulties but also successes allowing them the chance to connect and provide mutual support to each other. Through this project, newcomers are provided the opportunity to volunteer, helping with the many different services thereby gaining some Canadian experience. The Newcomer’s Volunteer Program provides opportunities for high school students to complete their 40 hours of community service.
HIMA - Help Immediate Members Appeal
HIMA is an email contact list of individuals who have agreed to be contacted whenever there is a need for furniture or household goods for our Newcomer families.
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ՏՕՆ ՍՐԲՈՑՆ ՍԱՐԳՍԻ ԶՕՐԱՎԱՐԻՆ, ԱՆՈՐ ՈՐԴՒՈՅ՝ ՄԱՐՏԻՐՈՍԻՆ ԵՒ ՏԱՍՆՉՈՐՍԸ ԶԻՆԱՒՈՐՆԵՐՈՒՆ Այս տարի Յունուար 23-ին Հայց. Առաք. Եկեղեցն կը նշէ տօնը,Ս. Սարգս Զօրավարի, անոր որդի Մարտիրոսի եւ իր Տասնչորս Զինաւորներուն: Ս. Սարգիս ազգութիամբ հոյն հռովմէական զօրավար էր: Ապրած է 4-րդ դարուն եւ Կոստանդիանոս կայսեր կողմէ կարգուած է իշխան Կապադովկիոյ վրայ, որու մայրաքաղաքն էր Կեսարիա: Կոստանդիանոս կայսեր մահէն ետք իշխանութեան եկաւ Յուլիանոս Ուրացողը, որը խիստ կը հալածէր քրիստոնեաները: Խուսափելով Յուլիանոս Ուրացողի հալածանքներէն` իր տղային` Մարտիրոսին հետ ապաստանած է Հայաստան, ապա անցնելով Պարսկաստան` զինուորական ծառայութիւն անցած է Շապուհ թագաւորին մօտ: Իմանալով, Սարգիսի քրիստոնեայ ըլլալը, Շապուհը կը պահանջէ, որ ան երկրպագէ կրակին, սակայն Սարգիս կը մերժէ: Զայրացած ամբոխը կը յարձակի եւ կը սպաննէ անոր որդին՝ Մարտիրոսը, իսկ Սարգիսը կը բանտարկուի եւ ապա կը գլխատուի: Ս. Սարգիսին հաւատարիմ 14 զինւորներն անոր մարմինը կը վերցնեն պատուով թաղեու համար, բայց իրենք ալ կը նահատակուին իրենց քրիստոնեական հաւատքին հավատարիմ մնալուն համար: Աւանդութիւնը կ'ըսէ թէ նահատակուելէն ետք Սարգիսի մարմինին վրայ լոյս կը ծագի: Մ. Մաշտոց անոր մասունքները Հայաստան բերել կու տայ, իսկ մասունքներու ամփոփուած տեղը վանք կը կառուցուի: Ս. Սարգիսի տօնը շարժական է եւ կը տօնուի Բարեկենդանէն 2 շաբաթ առաջ: Ան անմիջապէս կը յաջորդէ Առաջաւորաց պահքին ու այդ պատճառաով Առաջաւորաց պահքը մարդիկ թիւրիմացաբար կը կոչեն նաեւ Ս. Սարգիսի Պահք: ԺՈՂՈՎՐԴԱԿԱՆ ԱՒԱՆԴՈՒԹԻՒՆՆԵՐ Պահպանուած են այս տօնին հետ կապուած ժողովրդական սովորութիւններ: Արգիլուած էր լուացք ընել, ճախարակ մանել, գործ ունենալ բուրդի հետ, որովհետեւ կը հաւատային, թէ մազ լուալու պարագային Ս. Սարգիսի ձիու ոտքերուն թնճուկ կը փաթթուի եւ իրենց մազերը կը թափին… Ծոմ պահած երիտասարդները Առաջաւորաց Պահքի վերջին 5-րդ օրուայ երեկոյին աղի կրկնեփ կ՛ուտէին, որպէսզի տեսնեն, թէ երազին մէջ իրենց ո՞վ ջուր պիտի տայ: Այդ գիշեր տանտիկինները սկուտեղի վրայ փոխինդ կը լեցնէին եւ կը սպասէին, որ գիշերը Ս. Սարգիսը այցելէ իրենց եւ իր ձիուն պայտին հետքը կը ձգէ փոխինդին վրայ: Շաբաթ առաւօտեան այդ փոխինդէն խաշիլ կը պատրաստէին եւ պահքը կը բանային: Ս. ՍԱՐԳԻՍ,ՈՐՊԷՍ ՍԻՐԱՀԱՐՆԵՐՈՒ ՏՕՆ Համաձայն ժողովրդական աւանդութեան, Ս. Սարգիսը կը սիրահարուի յոյն աղջկա մը եւ կը փախցնէ զայն: Հետապնդողներէն ազատելու համար ան զօրաւոր բուք կը բարձրացնէ: Ահա թէ ինչո՛ւ ամէն տարի տօնի օրերուն բուք կը բարձրանայ ու ժողովուրդը ան կոչած է «Ս. Սարգիսի բուք»: Այս զրոյցին պատճառով ալ սիրահարուածները Ս. Սարգիսը ընտրած են որպէս իրենց բարեխօսը: Գարեգին Բ. կաթողիկոսին տնօրինութեամբ, Ս. Սարգիս զօրավարին տօնը հռչակուած է որպէս երիտասարդներու օրհնութեան օր, եւ Ս. Պատարագի աւարտին կը կատարուի երիտասարդներու օրհնութեան կարգ: The feast day honoring St. Sarkis is movable. It occurs between January 11th and February 15th. Each year it follows the five-day Fast of Catechumens. Sarkis was a Greek from the area of Cappadocia on the Anatolian plain. He was a proud, brave Christian and served as a Roman army officer during the reign of Emperor Constantine (roughly 337 A.D.). Sarkis' valor, strength, and bravery earned him the rank of general. Sarkis used his position of power for spiritual growth, going from town to town purging the land of pagan idols, teaching the Gospel, and building churches where pagan temples once stood. Sarkis had a good model in the piety of the Emperor Constantine. When Constantine died, Christianity throughout the region came under attack from the new Roman leader, Julian the Apostate. Under his leadership, pagans set about destroying churches and persecuting Christians. Seeing this, Sarkis prayed. Jesus appeared to him and said, "It is time for you to leave your country and your clan, as did Abraham the Patriarch, and go to a country which I will show you. There you will receive the crown of righteousness prepared for you." Sarkis left behind his noble title and power and headed with his son, Mardiros, to Armenia, where they were welcomed by King Diran, grandson of King Drtad. While Sarkis and Mardiros were in Armenia, the Emperor Julian, attempting to take over the known world, continued to move eastward toward Antioch in Syria. Whenever the Roman army came upon Christians, they were instantly killed. Many people fled the invading armies. King Diran urged Sarkis to escape and seek refuge among the Persians. When Sarkis and his son arrived in Persia, King Shapur, hearing of his bravery, appointed him a commander of the Persian military. As he continued to be victorious in battle, Sarkis also continued to give the credit to God. When Julian's troops started raiding lands near King Shapur's kingdom, Sarkis was sent to defend the territory. Outnumbered by the Greek and Roman forces, Sarkis' troops were frightened. He told them that if they believed in the Creator of heaven and earth, their hearts would never be shaken. Many of his soldiers were baptized by the priests traveling with the army, and they succeeded in fending off a Roman attack. Some of Sarkis' soldiers, who had not been baptized, went to King Shapur and told him that Sarkis was rebelling against the Persian ruler by preaching belief in Jesus. The king called Sarkis back to the palace, where he, his son, and the newly-baptized soldiers were expected to attend a feast honoring the pagan gods. At the temple, the king asked Sarkis to offer a sacrifice to the pagan gods. Sarkis refused, saying he would only worship the one, true God. The king began to criticize Sarkis and his faith. But Sarkis could not tolerate such talk, so he spat in the king's face and knocked down the temple idols. The king and his followers were enraged by Sarkis' actions, so they killed his son, Mardiros, before his eyes. The king then ordered Sarkis imprisoned. In prison Sarkis was strengthened by his relationship with the Lord. King Shapur heard of this and ordered Sarkis' execution. At his execution, Sarkis began to pray. An angel descended from heaven and told him, "Be strong. Do not fear the killers of your body; for the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven is open for you." Upon seeing the angel and understanding the power of everlasting life, many of the pagans who had gathered for the execution became Christians. Sarkis made one last passionate plea for people to accept Jesus Christ, and then was killed. His loyal Christian soldiers retrieved Sarkis' body and wrapped it in clean linen with the intention of burying his body honorably. When King Shapur heard of this reverence, he ordered the soldiers killed as well. Eventually, Christians found Sarkis' body and it was sent to Assyria, where it remained until the fifth century, when Mesrob Mashdots received his remains and moved them to Armenia.
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A Lecture on Public Health Services for newcomers to Canada. January 24, 2016 at 45 Hallcrown Place, Toronto.
ACYOC Toronto
Armenian Church Youth Organization of Canada's Seniors - Toronto Chapter, 2016 Committee: Antreas Minasoglu, John Tokmak, Davit Ter Haroutiunian, Bianca Kalender, Patil Imasdounian, Arin Mardirossian, Seta Derohanesian, Margo Vartanian, Natalie Kalfayan, Sason Esagholian, Tamar Tokmak, Vana Abajian.
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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service for the Plight of Refugees led by Roman Catholic Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins, Anglican Archbishop Colin Johnson, Chaldean Catholic Bishop Emanuel Shaleta, Evangelical Lutheran Bishop Michael Pryse, and other city-wide religious leaders on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM. Good Shepherd Chaldean Catholic Cathedral - Address: 2 High Meadow Place ( North West of Finch Ave. & Hwy 400) Homolist: His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto.
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files
The ACYOC Seniors' Annual Ski Trip is approaching fast! Register today for an unforgettable weekend with friends in beautiful Blue Mountain.
2015 Year in Pictures
Armenian Holy Apostolic Church - Canadian Diocese
Սբ. Հովհաննես Կարապետի ծննդյան տոն
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The Armenian Family Support Services of Holy Trinity Armenian Church invites you the 11th Annual Soup Kitchen on January 31, 2016 at 12:30 PM. As part of the symbolic Soup Kitchen and “Shining Light on Mental Health” series, the AFSS is pleased to present a complimentary lecture: Transformation into Wellness: Understanding Mental Health and Breaking the Silence.Presented by: Maida Icliates, B.Sc (Psych) Enjoy some hot soup while learning about mental health and wellness. All proceeds will go to AFSS Mental Health Outreach Services which includes programming for our Syrian Armenian refugees. Address: 920 Progress Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Tel: 416-431-5549 E-mail:
6 January 2016
Nativity & Theophany - On Wednesday, January 6, 2016, the Holy Trinity Armenian Church was filled with parishioners. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Abgar Hovakimian, Primate of the Armenian Church Diocese of Canada assisted by Rev. Archpriest Fr. Zareh Zargarian. Following the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Hovakimian blessed the water symbolizing the Baptism of Christ. The honour of the symbolic role of “Godfather” was given to Mr. Ara Alpay, a devoted member of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church. The blessed water was distributed to the faithful. A light reception was organized by the Women’s Guild of Holy Trinity Armenian Church at the “Magaros Artinian” hall.
2016 - January 5
Eve of Nativity & Theophany. January 5, 2016 Vespers Service and Reading from prophetic scriptures by Sunday School students followed by Divine Liturgy celebrated by Rev. Archpriest Zareh Zargarian, the Deacons and the Church Choir led by Mr. Shahe Altounian. We were honoured to have The Rev. Canon Harold Nahabedian and The Rev. Canon Philip Hobson from Anglican Church with us attending the Christmas Eve Liturgy. Following the Sermon, Fr. Zargarian, thanked Mr. & Mrs. Ohan & Anita Ohanessian for being the sponsors of his new Liturgical Vestment in loving memory of Armenian Genocide Survivors and their grandparent: Rev. Archpriest Vahan Tajirian and his wife Yeretsgin Takuhi Tajirian. After the liturgy, the procession of clergy and faithful gathered in the church lobby, where the tradition of House Blessing took place.
2016- January 1
New Year's Day at Holy Trinity Armenian Church.
Clearly, it does not need any caption🌇🏰

🎄💛Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի եւ Սուրբ Ծնունդ💙🙏🏼 #armenian #christmas #church #newyear

