Experience Elora & the Gorge in Bareboat hires you captain yourself, Shared rides with our pilots, or Custom cruises with specialized entertainment. 2 0 1 5 R a f t R I d e s O v e r v I e w
- NIGHT CRUISES available Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays 8-10 pm by booking
- DAY-TRIPS to scenic local rivers & lakes with Club Boats for Members & Volunteers
- Raft rides, training & rewards for VOLUNTEERS
- FUND-RAISING opportunities for Non-Profits
- Promotional DEALS with local merchants
- 15 % discounts on GIFT CERTIFICATES
- 20 % discounts with MEMBERSHIPS
- 20 % discount for STUDENTS
- 30 % discount on Rides for SENIORS
- CHILDREN under 13 free if accompanied
- Prizes for answering survey & questionnaire
- Newsletter subscribers alerted of Events & specials
- Walk-Up ticket purchase available with cash, debit & c/c
- Walk-Up HOURS : 1 – 7pm Tues, Thurs, Sats, Suns ; closed Mondays
- E-TICKETS available on-line for walk-up days & times – open & transferable – 5% discount
- Reserved rides made on-line with
E-RESERVATIONS 36 hours in advance available all weekdays including wednesdays and fridays & weekends – 10% discount
- Closures & updates - see website,
FACE BOOK, twitter and tourist bureaus
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