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St Mark's Parish Port Pirie

28 Norman Street, Port Pirie, Australia
Religious Organization



A Parish that reaches out and embraces...All with love, sensitivity and charity. A Catholic community that endeavours to live the joy of the Gospel.


“Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.” ~ St. Augustine

LENT 2017 CARBON FAST FOR TODAY Take reusable bags when you do your grocery shopping. Plastic bags last from 20 - 1,000 years; are a major threat to wildlife in waterways & the ocean. Say no to plastic bags.

“You threaten me with fire which burns for an hour, and after a little is extinguished, but are ignorant of the fire of the coming judgment and of eternal punishment, reserved for the ungodly. But why do you tarry? Bring forth what you will.” (St. Polycarp of Smyrna, Bishop and Martyr; The Martyrdom of Polycarp, Chapter XI; St. Polycarp responds to threats of the Roman proconsul)


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Bulletin for this weekend, the First Sunday of Lent

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LENT 2017 CARBON FAST FOR TODAY Women’s World Day of Prayer. What is the carbon footprint of your household’s food? Buy less packaged food. Eat less processed food. Eat vegetarian once a week. Make meals from scratch

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” ~ Mother Teresa

LENT 2017 CARBON FAST FOR TODAY Use only cold water to do your laundry in Lent and think about a permanent change. Use bio-degradable detergent (low phosphate) to keep our waterways free of algal bloom.

“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.” ~ Saint Dominic Savio

“The Holy Spirit leads us like a mother. He leads His child by the hand…as a sighted person leads a blind person.” ~ St. John Vianney

The Story of Solutions

LENT 2017 CARBON FAST FOR TODAY STUFF. We can’t take it with us. Try not to buy anything new for yourself during Lent except essentials like food. Watch "A Story of Solutions" on YouTube:

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PARISH ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES AND IMPOSITION OF ASHES 910 am Cathedral 10am St Mark's College, Good Samaritan Hall (Benedict) 6pm Holy Trinity Church, Crystal Brook 730pm Cathedral “...God’s face is the face of a merciful father who is always patient. He always has...patience with us; he understands us; he waits for us, he does not tire of forgiving us if we...return to him with a contrite heart” (Pope Francis). Have any regrets? Come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, confess your sins, and be assured of God’s mercy and understanding.

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