Starclub Flinders Ranges
Sporting club development and governance to guide your club on a path to success
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facebook.comFeel free to make use of the these posters to display around your club - download and print them today
Let Kids Be Kids
Would your club like training and assistance with V-STAR and managing volunteers?
Take note of the webinar session..
Congratulations to Corey McKenzie on being awarded this scholarship - a well deserved recipient! Corey is continually developing his skills and knowledge by attending courses offered by STARCLUB and the ORS, he was also a participant of the Regional Coach Excellence Program run in the region in 2016.
Parents - take note... A brilliant read!
Anyone for a hit of Tennis? Looking for something to do with the kids these school holidays? Why not try out the Port Augusta Tennis Associations new electronic 'Book a Court' online system.. Simple to use and a great opportunity to utilise local sporting facilities. Go to to book
I'm back in the role of STARCLUB Field Officer ! After 6 months off I'm looking forward to working with sporting clubs in the region to develop policies, apply for grants and deliver training to volunteers... If you want your club to be the best it can be and get invovled in these fantastic opportunities please contact me 😀😀