Port Augusta Pony Club
The Port Augusta Pony Club aims to encourage young people to ride horses and to learn about and enjoy all kinds of sports connected with horses and riding. The Port Augusta Pony Club aims to encourage young people to ride horses and to learn about and enjoy all kinds of sports connected with horses and riding. We provide instruction in riding and horsemanship and also in the proper care of horses. The Port Augusta Pony Club strives towards a fun and informative learning environment for all. We are a friendly, family oriented club run by hard working volunteers.
We have fantastic facilities and invite you to visit for a Pony Club Rally or one of our shows.
Port Augusta Pony Club has fully fenced grounds with ample float parking, a secure bull ring, fenced dressage arena, two large open work areas, lights on the main arena, large clubhouse including a canteen, toilet and shower facilities, 21 large undercover stables and 9 day stalls.
The Port Augusta Pony Club facilities can be hired through-out the year.
Port Augusta Pony Club is a well-known resting point for people travelling through Port Augusta with their horses. There is a large bullring and fenced dressage arena which provides a great opportunity for horses to walk around and stretch their legs, especially after a long journey. The toilet and shower facilities can also be hired and people are welcome to camp on the grounds.
Hiring Costs
Stables: $10.00 per horse
Camping on the grounds: $10.00 per vehicle
Camping on the grounds with power: $20.00 per vehicle
Shower: $5.00
Ground Hire Fee: $100 per day
Please contact Pete Nadels Ph 0419 869 985 pnadels@bigpond.net.au
Mel Ellard Ph 0428 294 589 ellards.4@bigpond.com
Rallies, which may be mounted or unmounted, are held every fortnight; usually on 2nd and 4th Sundays (may change due to other events being held and Public Holidays).
Rallies include beach rides, sleepovers and badge/certificate days. We encourage families to participate in rallies and enjoy the social side of Pony Club.
Tell your friends
facebook.comAnother success morning at the Undercover Markets. Thanks to evwryone that helped out. Izzy and Ellen(and friends) and Juli Stanley and crew sorry you missed the photo. Huge thanks goes to Annette and Welky for supporting and running this event for so many years. ❤❤❤❤
Due to the inclement weather over the next couple of months, the Pony Club will not be holding rallies.......BUT we do have a little bit happening leading up to Christmas. Those of you that are using the grounds, please remember that as of next Monday. The circus will be staying down there for the week. So we will not be able to use the grounds. Also we have booked in to do the Undercover Markets again this December..... so many hands make light work, any members that are available, it would be appreciated if you could help out on the 17th anytime from 8am till 12pm
Port Augusta Pony Club representing Northern Zone at the Pony Club State Championships today at Monarto. Very pleased and both riders coming home with great results!!
Di Keach School 2017
Annie, Emily, Jessica, Izzy and Jorja pictured with Marlene Wright, Patron of Port Augusta Pony Club 2017
Hi everyone, Programme for sunday. 11am - 11:15: Gear Check (Therese) 11:15-12:00: Flatwoork (Melenee) 12-1:00: ShowJumping/Poles (Darien) 1-1:30: Lunch BYO 1:30-1:45: Gear Check (Therese) 1:45-2:30: Games (Jessica) PLEASE REMEMBER ALL RIDERS MUSTVE PAID THEIR MEMBERSHIP OR PART PAYMENT OF $30 BEFORE RIDING
CALLING FOR INTEREST Looking for numbers and expressions of interest for Pony Club this Sunday 11am. Programme will follow depending on numbers
Hi Members, We have booked a Di Keach weekend to be held on the 9th & 10th September. It will be $110.00 for the weekend which will consist of 4 lessons over the 2 days. Can I please have an expression of interest back to me by the 21st of August. If I don't have enough interest within the club then I will open it up to the Zone. Thanks
Next Pony Club will be on the 27th August. Can I please have an idea on numbers. Thanks
Congratulations to all new committee members. Secretary - Therese McCourt President - Melenee Ellard Vice President - Peter Nadels Treasurer - Cheryl Rossiter Parent Representative - Jenny Everitt, Di McCourt & Tracey Scharenberg Rider Representative - Jessica Ellard Rally Co-Ordinator - Melenee Ellard Groundsman - Peter Nadels Canteen Manager - Therese McCourt Publicity Officer - Jessica Ellard Member ship has been set to $130 for the bee year. Please Remember membership is due. Can be EFT into Pony Club account. Next Pony Club rally will be the 27th of August. Details to follow! Lets hope that 2017/18 is one to remember!!
THIS WEEKEND, PLEASE PUT THIS INTO YOUR DIARIES Pony Club AGM and Rally 30th July 2017 11am AGM 1.30pm Pony Club Rally Please remember all riders must have paid their membership before they can ride. And Social Members must also be paid up before the meeting due to voting rights. Any questions, please contact me
Pony Club members having fun at the Zone Eliminations in Renmark.