* Boxing * Group Training * Personal Training
* Bootcamp * Teen training * Ballet * Hip Hop * Salsa * Bachata
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What makes your heart sing? What makes you want to jump out of bed and start your day with a bang? Just as the body can not survive without food and water how do you think we achieve our goals? What happens to you when you loose sight or give up on something you set out to do? Do you change the path or give up... until next time. We all need motivation and some more then others. Find what makes you smile or turn into a lion and make it part of your routine. Don't give up, keep going and the results will follow 👊💜🌟 * #motivation #itsallyou #dowhatmakesyouhappy #goals #lifestylechoices #inspiration #healthishappiness #foodforthought #dancetrainswim #coach #health #sydney #melbourne #personaltrainer #danceteacher #lovemylifestyle #keepingabalance #grouptraining #boxing #bootcamp #wellness #personaltraining #easternsuburbs #centennialpark #clovelly #bronte #randwick
Ball & Core Stability & mobility gets more important as the years pass. A slight rotation in a plank position as shown in this video can really target and challenge your deep tummy muscles resulting in a supported & more flexible spine. Want to learn more join me this February for 2 weeks free group training in Centennial Park, Sydney! #core #ball #balance #challengeyourself #personaltrainer #grouptraining #personaltraining #easternsuburbs #centennialpark #sydney #dancetrainswim #training #trainforhealth #findyourfit #movemore #newyearnewyou #goals #motivation #wellness #exercise #health
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Monday morning motivation. Let's do this 💪👌 Do not wait for the right time, make time for you and get moving any way you can. Walk, run, swim, dance, lift, play.... anything is better then being comfortable at an average everyday pace. GO!!! * #noexcuses #findtime #movemore #motivation #itsallyou #findyourfit #dancetrainswim #personaltraining #boxing #bootcamp #circuit #outdoor #teentraining #personaltrainer #sydney #easternsuburbs #randwick #bronte #queenspark #centennialpark #clovelly #freetrial #passion #lovemyjob #lovemylifestyle
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A new year brings new motivation and new goals. There's no right time to make a change there's just action. So what are you waiting for???! The only thing blocking the way is you and your excuses.... * #gettoit #makechangesnotexcuses #maketimetoexercise #itsallyou #jointhefitparty #findyourfit #movemore #newyearnewyou #goals #motivation #wellness #exercise #health #dancetrainswim #sydney #melbourne #personaltrainer #grouptraining #boxing #bootcamp #personaltraining #easternsuburbs #centennialpark
2 Dumbells, 3 exercises, 6 sets. No rest & no changing weights!!! * Front raises x 8 * Lat raises x 8 * Standing russian twist x 16 (total) REPEAT 6 sets If you don't struggle to finish you need heavier weights 😉👌 #weightsarefriends #leanmuscle #lovetolift #trainforhealth #maketimetoexercise #challengeyourself #beachbod #summerlovin #personaltrainer #sydney #dancetrainswim #grouptraining #weights #gym #coach #health #healthishappiness #bootcamp #personaltraining #easternsuburbs #centennialpark #clovelly #bronte #randwick #lifestylechoices
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2 weeks FREE to FIND YOUR FIT. It's a new year and a good excuse to get out of bed. This February we are offering all new clients a chance to find their groove with 2 weeks free at our new Sydney location. Why should you train with us? Well here's a good reason to find out. Call now and chat with Kylie to see how we can help you get the most out of your day. Teen sessions also available!!! P: 0437 220 043 E: FB: dancetrainswim #dancetrainswim #findyourfit #personaltrainer #grouptraining #boxing #bootcamp #circuit #outdoor #teentraining #healthishappiness #health #sleep #motivation #wellness #weightloss #training #trainforhealth #personaltraining #easternsuburbs #centennialpark #sydney
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DANCE early bird enrolments now available Enrol before January 28th and receive a 15% discount on term 1 fees Enrol with a friend and receive a BONUS 5% off both enrolments Classes are limited, so book now!!! Timetable 2017 Hampton, Victoria Thursdays 3.45pm - 4.15pm: 3 - 5yrs Ballet 4.15pm - 5.00pm: 5 - 7yrs Ballet 5.00pm - 5.45pm: 5 - 7yrs Jazz/Funk 5.45pm - 6.30pm: 8 - 12yrs Jazz/Funk * classes resume Thursday February 2nd, 2017 Contact us for more info P: 0437 220 043 E: FB: Dance Train Swim #dancetrainswim #danceteacher #danceclasses #hampton #bayside #babyballet #kidsclasses #fun #melbourne #ballet #jazz #dance #dancing #educational #sandringham #blackrock #brighton
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Happy New Year Everyone ☄🎉 2017 "food is fuel" inspiration. A busy year requires good, clean nutrition to keep us focused & energised to enjoy everyday. Looking forward to meeting new faces, learning new skills & experiencing new adventures 👌🌞 #sugarfree #superfood #almostvegetarian #vegtablesarefriends #goodnutrition #food #yumyumyum #lovetospendtimeinthekitchen #cooking #personaltrainer #danceteacher #dancetrainswim #livinglife #lifestylechoices #inspiration #recipes #foodismedicine #foodforfuel #eatingforhealth
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I know a few clients who would love one of these for Christmas! #ifitgetsyouoffyourbootie #anythingtomotivate #maybeanewtoolforsessions #healthybodyhappymind #dancetrainswim #exercise #fitness #justdoit #melbourne #sydney #joinus #grouptraining #groupfitness
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DANCE 2017 early bird enrolments now available for our MELBOURNE location Enrol before January 28th, 2017 and receive a 15% discount on term 1 fees Enrol with a friend and receive a BONUS 5% off both enrolments Classes are limited, so book now!!! * classes resume Thursday February 2nd, 2017 #dance #ballet #jazz #dancetrainswim #danceteacher #danceclasses #hampton #bayside #babyballet #kidsclasses #fun
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So excited, the Sydney 2017 timetable is finalised. 'Find your fit' with a FREE 7 day trial (new members only) #getexcited #trainforhealth #lifestylechoices #grouptraining #teentraining #personaltraining #bootcamp #boxing #weightloss #personaltrainer #classes #fitness #easternsuburbs #sydney #dancetrainswim
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Love to Lift 5 days till a dance competition & making time or finding energy to lift has been difficult. Discipline is key & balance is a must right from the beginning. SLEEP - COFFEE - TRAIN - EAT - DANCE - RELAX - REPEAT 😉 #planning #weights #personaltrainer #gym #dance #latin #mambo #lovetolift #lifestylechoices #dancer #dancetrainswim #melbourne #sydney