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Hampton Rovers Football Club

Cnr David St & Bluff Rd, Hampton, Australia
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Official Hampton Rovers FC Facebook Page - Official Facebook Page of the Hampton Rovers Football Club. Established in 1929. Affiliated with the VAFA & SMJFL. Visit the official club website at


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On behalf of captain Carny, the Hampton Rovers Football Club wishes everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. We can't wait for 2017! Bring it on. Go Rovers. 💚💛

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The final senior Women's training session of the year last night and 28 girls on the track! We've had 35+ players across the three sessions and it's further proof Women's footy is going from strength to strength. A big 2017 ahead and we can't wait for the historic first game under lights at the Boss! Visit the website to get on board. #gorovers #roverswomen #womensfooty #journeyto2017 #localfooty #rovers2017

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Official pre-season training for the year wrapped up last week, but the players are committed to a successful 2017 season and tonight kicked-off their own sessions. 2.5 km run, 100 chin-ups, 150 push-ups, 300 squats & run back! These sessions will continue Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays - details on the players page. Great initiative from new captain Christian Carnovale. Get amongst it! #gorovers #rovers2017 💚💛

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Hampton Rovers Season Launch 2017

Hampton Rovers Season Launch 2017

2017 Rovers Gala Season Launch

100 DAYS TO GO! The Rovers will kick-off 2017 with a huge Gala Season Launch event at The International of Brighton on Friday 24th March. AFL legend Wayne Carey will be guest speaker. This is a whole-club event and we welcome everyone - save the date and start getting a table together! #rovers2017

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Women's Footy is here! A great first training session tonight with 20 girls in attendance. We'll have another run next Tuesday before the Christmas break. Details on the Rovers website. #gorovers #womensfooty #journeyto2017 @vafahq

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Duddy returns to coach Ressies

Look who's back at the Boss.. The club is excited to announce the appointment of Anton Duddy as coach of the Reserves for 2017!

Rovers Women's Pre-Season Training

Rovers Women's Pre-Season Training

2017 VAFA Fixture released

FIXTURE ANNOUNCED! The Hampton Rovers open the 2017 season away from home against Kew, before taking on Old Mentonians in round two at Boss James Reserve. Click through to read more and view the full fixture. #rovers2017

Boss James Scoreboard Time Lapse

Time lapse video taken during the install of the new LED scoreboard at the Boss

Boss James Scoreboard Time Lapse

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How good's this! The new scoreboard at the Boss is up, although still a little work to do before it's operational for match day. Visit the website for more info & photos. #rovers2017

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2016 Hampton Rovers AGM

The Annual General Meeting is on tonight from 7:30pm at Boss James Reserve - all club members welcome. The 2016 Annual Report will be available online tonight and printed copies will be available at the AGM.


NEAR Hampton Rovers Football Club


Hampton, Australia
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