Boathouse Family day care
Boathouse Family day care is a flexible service offered to parents who find it hard to find an organization to mind their children while they are at work
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facebook.comWelcome to Boathouse School Care. The following information is provided to all members of the Community. SERVICE INFORMATION Boathouse School Care provides Before School Care (7.00am - 8.30am) After School Care (3.00pm - 6.00pm) Vacation Care (7.00am - 6.00pm) The service is closed on weekends, public holidays and for a two week over the Christmas/New period FORMS For enrolment details, please contact Boathouse School Care directly. FEES AND BOOKINGS Before School Care from $10 per session (permanent) and from $13 (casual). After School Care from $10 per session (permanent) and from $17 (casual). Vacation Care $25 per day (permanent) and $28 per day (casual). We ask that bookings be made for regular care. This assists us in complying with staff/child ratios. All booked care must be paid for. Bookings can be made in person or direct deposit. Statements are issued weekly via email and we ask that you pay your fees promptly. Fees that remain more than 14 days overdue may attract an Overdue Account Fee. Please contact the Coordinator as soon as possible if you are going to be late picking up your child. A late fee will be charged at the Coordinator's discretion if children are collected after the normal closing time of the service. This fee is equal to the extra wages paid to the 2 remaining staff for the time they are required to wait with children. ENROLMENT PROCEDURES It is important that you complete all the Enrolment Forms before your child commences care. These forms provide important information for your child’s carers. All information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. It is important that you notify us of: All persons that may be picking up your child. Emergency contacts. Any allergies or medical conditions. Any court orders that relate to your child. Any special circumstances that may affect their care e.g. cultural diversity, special needs, unique family situations. YOU MUST SIGN YOUR CHILD IN AND OUT OF CARE Please be sure to notify us of any changes of address, phone numbers (both home and work) and emergency contact information. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Should an emergency situation arise the Coordinator (or their nominee) will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian to advise them of the situation. However, if the parent/guardian cannot be contacted then the Coordinator (or their nominee) will take any action necessary to protect the child or call for medical assistance if required. Any medical attention sought will be at the expense of the parent. HEALTH ISSUES If your child is obviously unwell or suffering from a contagious illness of high temperature (38?C+) we ask that you do not send them to the BSC program. This prevents cross-infection and protects the well children and staff. If your child becomes ill whist in care we will contact you or the Emergency Contact stated on your Child’s enrolment form and ask that they be collected as soon as possible. Whilst we would make every effort to comfort your Child we are not able to provide the one-on-one that a child requires when feeling unwell. MEALS AND SNACKS Afternoon tea is provided daily Breakfast is available for the children between 7.00am - 7.50am and is included in the cost SERVICE POLICIES It is important that parents are familiar with the Policies of the BSC program. These are displayed prominently beside the Parent Notice Board in the building.
Boathouse school care makes your child a priority. BSC provides stimulating age-appropriate programs to all children attending the service and as leaders in the sector, BSC has the knowledge and experience to provide healthy environments that directly contribute to creating positive experiences and outcomes. Our program allows your children to interact with friends in a safe, stimulating environment that encourages cooperation, friendship and development of values and group expectations. Additionally the play space, which features a variety of reading materials, construction games, board games and a home corner is arranged in order to invite imaginative spontaneous play and independence. The environment supports children to ask questions, problem solve, learn, discover, create, improvise and imagine. Your child will develop a positive attitude to play and develop the knowledge to connect in meaningful ways. Your child has the opportunity to develop life skills and problem-solving skills from an early age and educators will work with them through to youth to make healthy decisions for themselves. We support this through our ongoing commitment to young people and their families. BSC has a commitment to education of appropriate food choices and menu design. Children are actively involved in menu choices and discussion on healthy eating. Children are given opportunity for cooking experiences and preparation of meals provided. Our menu consists of fresh fruit and vegetables and is considerate to cultural preferences, dietary requirements and meal plans for your child. Why should I book my children into BSC? Affordable care for families Easy and flexible payment option Innovative programs which enables every child to participate Experienced and qualified staff Staff are supported state-wide with localised supervision and ongoing professional development Provide nutritious daily food programs and cooking experience Extensive policeies and procedures that are regularly reviewed with parent consultation Our activities support the school curriculum, policies and culture Provide a professional service leaving parents feeling confident their children are both safe and entertained Aims to exceed the National Quality Standards, Laws and Regulations for an education and care service
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